Chapter 30

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Peeling my eyes open, I turned my head towards the window, seeing the stars still in the sky. I reached over, grabbing Nik's phone off the nightstand. 2:16 am. Putting the phone down, I turned my head back, looking over at Nik, who was laying on his stomach, head facing me. Looking up at the ceiling, I hoped sleep would take over again, but it just wouldn't come. Slowly moving the covers off of my body, I got out of the bed, slipping on Nik's discarded button-up shirt before tip-toeing to the door. Making my way downstairs, I went into the kitchen, grabbing a blood bag, and then made my way out to the piano. I sipped on the blood, staring down at the keys as I played them in my head. "Did I wake you?" I asked, lifting my head to look at the top of the staircase, where Nik stood in pajama pants.

"Well, not you exactly. The blood might have," he replied, walking down to where I sat. "Why are you awake in the middle of the night?"

"I couldn't sleep. Want some?" I held the bag out to him, which he took.

"Why don't you play something? I haven't heard you play in a long time," Nik said, leaning up against the piano.

"Which one?"

"Remember that one you played when we were in Vienna?" I had to think back about thirty years, but I remembered the one he was talking about.

"That really long one?" He nodded his head. "But that song is like six minutes long."

"Which gives me plenty of time to paint you while you play," he said before disappearing upstairs. I sighed, waiting for him to come back down. He reappeared, standing about ten feet away from me with a large canvas and his other painting tools. Looking over at me, he stood ready with his brush in hand, waiting for me to start playing. I rolled my eyes, positioning myself in front of the keys. Taking a deep breath, I closed my eyes, letting my fingers do all the work. I finished the song and opened my eyes, feeling a sort of happiness. This always happened when I played the piano. Looking over at Nik, I saw that he was still painting. I waited for him to finish adding the final touches before he turned it so I could see. He stepped back, standing next to me as I stared at it, slightly in shock. It was amazing. He had painted me sitting on the piano bench in his shirt with my eyes closed as my fingers pressed down on the keys. I was lost in my own little world; something that seemed to happen when I played. I didn't even realize it.

"Wow, Nik. I think this may be your best one yet," I admitted.

"I even managed to capture that little crease in your forehead," he chuckled, running his finger along where it appears. I pushed him playfully, a laugh escaping my lips as he went back over to the canvas, setting his brush down.

"It really is beautiful."

"The only beautiful thing about it is the girl," he commented softly and I looked away, tucking my hair behind my ear.

"You know, I don't think I'll ever get used to the compliments," I told him, turning in my seat, so that I was facing him.

"Well, you better, because there'll be a lot more coming your way," he smirked, coming over to stand in front of me. I chuckled as he leaned down to kiss me. It started to get heated and Nik moved so that I was laying down on the piano bench. He kissed me for a moment longer before pulling away. "This is actually a really uncomfortable position for me."

"You're not the one with wooden corners poking into your back," I said, shifting slightly. We both started laughing as he helped me sit up.

"Then why don't we take this upstairs?" He suggested, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the staircase.

"Hm, I don't know. I'm feeling kind of tired," I teased, faking a yawn.

"Well, then I'll just have to wake you up, won't I?" Putting his hands on my hips, he began kissing down my neck to my shoulder, pushing the collar of the shirt to the side. In one swift movement, he ripped the shirt off of me. I gasped, crossing my arms over my chest and glaring up at him.

"Now that's not fair. Here I am, naked, and you still have your pants on," I told him, eyebrows raised. Before he could open his mouth, I ripped his pajama pants off, throwing the destroyed material off to the side. "There, now we're even," I smirked. In a flash, Nik had me pinned up against the wall, holding my wrists above my head as he got to work sucking on my neck. Needless to say, we never made it back upstairs.

The song is really long so I suggest that maybe you listen to it while you read. Or you don't have to listen to it if you don't want to. I heard it once and thought it was really pretty.

I feel like this chapter and the one before it are really shitty, so forgive me.

I'm gonna be busy the next couple weeks with moving and finding another job, so I'll try to fill in any gaps that I have with writing. I don't know how long it will take me to finish the next book, so I can't give you a timeline for when it will be published. Sorry!

My character and her story are of my own imagination. They belong to me and nobody else. Please do not steal. Copyright 2015/2016.

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