Chapter 1: Brown Eyes

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Semaj set in the smoke filled apartment with her best friend Kearston. They were only supposed to stop by here for a second and then go and see their saturday night movie, like they had planned but they had been there longer and ended up missing the movie. Semaj was mad at first but at this point she didn't care anything. She just wanted to go home and get out of the environment she was in.

"Kearston can we go now?"

"Just chill Sammie," Kearston says as the blunt is passed to her again and she takes a long puff.

"Semaj it's ten o'clock and we already missed the movie."

"Your curfew ain't till twelve so why you worried?"

Semaj sighs and stands up making her way towards the staircase.

"Yo sexy where you goin'?" One of the guys call out to Semaj before she can make it up the steps.

Not wanting to deal with him or his lame pick up lines Semaj ignores him and continues walking up the steps of the apartment they were in. It was somewhere deep in the New Orleans ghetto area as they called it. Semaj had just moved here about four months ago right before their school year had started because both of her parents found new, better paying, jobs. But so far she was hating every bit of this move. She only had one or two friends and they were both her cousins; Kearston being one of them.

The cold weather was something new to her than living in Houston, Texas where she was born and raised with her younger sister and younger brother. She wanted to be back in Texas where her friends and other family resided. She'd have one more year before she would finally be able to go back to her homeland and she honestly couldn't wait.

"Maybe I should just call Lina. She'll come and get me." Semaj says to herself as she sits on the edge of the tub in the bathroom. "Yeah that's what I'll do."

To keep anyone from hearing her call or busting in she turns on the shower and the sink letting it run as she pulls out her phone to dial Lina's number.

Meanwhile, Michael was pulling up to the curb of his New Orleans apartment. Not knowing all of the people that were sitting in his living room, smoking his merchandize. The minute his door opened and the faces of his friends expressed fear.

"What tha fuck is goin' on in here?!" Michael yells furrowing his brows.

"Yo mike" Demarco immediately begins to explain but Michael nips that in the bud.

"Why the fuck yaw got all these damn people in my apartment?!" Michael yells louder and slams his door shut walking completely inside.

"We was jus' havin' a lil' kickback yanno?" Lenny says shrugging and holding his arms out.

Michael looks at the weed spread on his coffee table and he clenches his fist. "And yaw been smokin' my shit?!"

"Mike it's saturday man. We just tryna have a chill day ya know?"

"I don't giva fuck what da hell yaw tryna do! Yaw need to be gettin the hell outta my crib before I decide to go in someones shit!" Michael yells making everyone flinch but they don't take him as bluffing.

Michael was one of the hardest guys out in New Orleans, period. Everyone knew his name and what he looked like and never wanted to cross his lane or make him angry or they knew they'd regret it. He wasn't a murder, no, but he didn't take bullshit either. Don't let those Brown Eyes confuse you, ya hear? Those Brown Eyes are on a man that played no games.

"A'ight mike damn." Smokey says frownin' gettin' up.

"And take them damn broads witchall too!" Michael adds on and leans over opening his door.

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