Chapter 42: Twizzler Snatchin' Thief

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"Hey girrrraal," I hear Lina's loud mouth and I turn just to see her walking over to me.

"Hey Lina," I reply smiling at her as I open my locker to retrieve my physics book and binder. "How are you this morning?"

"I'm coo, but uh, I meant to ask you last night... how the dinner go?"

"Michael was very... respectful... Even with my dad pressing his buttons he contained his composure and spoke proper English. No slang whatsoever and he presented himself nicely. Slacks, blazer, dress shoes, dress shirt, and no snapback," I shake my finger while reciting proudly.

"Forreal? Yo, Mike owns a pair of slacks?" She asks in disbelief making me laugh and I shake my head, closing my locker.

"Yes, he owns a pair of slacks," I chuckle.

"Well I'll be damned... what 'bout Uncle J?" She asks raising her eyebrows.

I sigh and shrug my shoulders as we walk off to my physics class which was right down the hall from my locker.

"My dad... well that's a whole different thing... he's pissed. He's back to his controlling ways again. Be home at this time, do this, do that, don't do this, don't do that. He even tried to tell me that I need to stop going over Michael's apartment so much. I'm not even at Michael's that much, we're mostly going out somewhere." I explain shrugging.

"Damn, he back on that again?" She asks.

I nod my head. "Yup, I knew the sweet, lenient dad wasn't going to be around long."

"Well, girl you was right then. I was thinkin' he was coo now but I guess not," Lina says and shrugs.

"Yeah, but I'll see you later at lunch." I say right as the bell rings. Lina nods and runs off quickly to her class which was on the second floor. I walk into my physics class taking a seat and following the instructions on the board.


This announcement is for all of the seniors. March 20th will be the last day for senior dues. If you do not pay senior dues you will not be able to participate in any senior activities so please get your senior dues in by then and no later than March 20th. Also seniors if you have not yet ordered your cap and gown your deadline is March 23rd. You may buy one, or rent one. If there are any questions please go to Mrs. Mills the junior and senior counselor. Also, if you plan on attending the New York spring break study tour please see the social studies teacher Mr. Clay for more information.

"What are you doing for spring break?" Lina asks me as we stand by my locker.

I was putting my books up and trying to fit her books in there too since she didn't want to go to her locker which was up on the second floor.

"I thought I told you, but for my birthday Michael got plane tickets to Washington D.C. and tickets for the two Smithsonian museums. So that's where we'll be for the entire spring break. Monday through Friday," I say smiling widely at her as I finally shut my locker.

"Oh! You did tell me that! Lucky ass," she mumbles folding her arms. "I know you and him are finna have a blast. Five days in a hotel room alone? And yaw in a whole different state? You bouta be in heaven!" She exclaims making me laugh as we make our way into the lunchroom. Today, due to the state testing our lunches were split into classes; seniors being the last to eat. So when we walked inside the cafeteria it was pretty filled.

"You hear me girl?" Lina asks nudging my shoulder.

I chuckle and shake my head. "Lina, you and Michael think just alike. At first he didn't want to go until he finally thought about it."

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