Chapter 57: Gangsta Lovin'

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"Sloppy as fuck!" Mavis yells when the five guys walks into the room,"What the hell went on down there?!" He adds on.

"That was all Marco boss," Dino says taking off his ski mask.

"Man you a fuckin' snitch," Marco says pulling off his mask as well, and the other three guys pull theirs off also. "But it ain't my fault my aim on point. I'm pretty sure Bigs got the message," Marco smirks.

"I said go and scare him a little... not go and shoot to people who ain't have shit to do with the situation! If this comes back on my ass Marco I'll be sure to have somethin' for yo ass too." Mavis points at him but Marco doesn't take his threat seriously.

How were you supposed to take your father seriously?

"Get the fuck out my face," Mavis growls shooing them off and the five of them walk out of the room, Marco quickly grabbing Dino and pushing him up against the wall.

"Next time yo ass wanna snitch, I'll be sure to 'accidently' shoot yo retarded ass."

"Man," Dino snatches from his grip. "It ain't my fault yo ass holdin grudges and shit."

"You don't know what the fuck you talkin bout," Marco says as him and Dino walk out of the warehouse, losing the other three guys back inside.

"You knew that was Mike's girlfriend. You took that fuckin' aim on her on purpose. It ain't that fuckin dark. That wasn't no fuckin' accident."

Marco internally smirks but doesn't show it on the outside. "Like I said... you don't know what the fuck you talkin 'bout." He opens the driver's side of his grand prix and Dino opens the passenger side.

"You betta hope Mike ain't got whiff of this shit yet," Dino says as they get in the car, slamming the doors shut.

"I ain't worried 'bout his bitch ass. If he knew what was good for 'em he'd keep his fuckin' distance. I'm done wit his ass anyway. Let's just say we even now," Marco shrugs and starts the car, pullin' off. "An eye for uh eye."


Michael was probably breaking every driving law known to man. What was usually a ten to fifteen minute drive home from Fifth Street turned into a five minute one at the speed he was going. He didn't even bother locking his car doors or closing his front door. He just ran up the steps, skipping some, going to his bedroom. He threw everything in his closet out; clothes, shoes, and shoeboxes. Once he finally got down to his two orange Nike shoeboxes he carries them over to his bed and opens them revealing the two .45 caliber handguns in each box. He makes sure it's fully loaded and that the safety is on before he straps them securely to his body.

"So this is what you finna go and do?" He whips around to be faced with Lenny. "You're gon' go and risk your freedom when you can be at the hospital with Semaj? I always thought you hadda brain up there mike."

"Don't give me that bullshit Lenny," Michael replies with a scratchy voice. "I ain't got time for that shit." He walks over to his bedroom door but Lenny blocks him. "Get the fuck outta my way Lenardo," Michael growls looking Lenny right in his eyes.

"Not unless you put them guns back in the box," Lenny nods his head towards the two boxes on Michael's bed.

"Mavis is gon' pay for what the fuck he did."

"And that's jus' gon start a fuckin' war that don't needa be started. Man you 'bout to risk a lot of shit if you go through wit this. If Semaj .... When Semaj makes it through this you gon be salty 'cuz you gon be rottin in jail for killin' people. It might sound like the best idea right now man, but in the long run it ain't. Plus Semaj needs you there... right next to her bed at that hospital. She gotta know you there man and I damn sure know if she knew you was thinkin' 'bout doing something like this she'd be on yo ass." Lenny sighs and shakes his head, "don't do this man... please."

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