Chapter 17: She's Different, This is Different, Different is Good

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"So whatchu and Mike doing today?" Kearston asks Semaj.

They had just sat down at the lunch table and of course Semaj was still the talk of the day because she got out of Michael's Mercedes earlier in the morning. She thought that it'd at least be dead now considering it had been happening for a while now but nothing was different. People still whispered to their peers and gossiped about what was going on.

If Semaj was going to be honest then it'd be safe to say that she was sick of the attention and wished that people would pay attention to something else.

"I don't understand why you'd want to know." Semaj says looking up and eyeing her cousin who in return just shrugs her shoulders. "But to answer that question; I'm not sure."

"I swear people kill me" Lina groans sitting down at the table with her lunch tray.

Kearston and Semaj look over at her with raised eyebrows. "What?" They both ask in unison.

"These females always have shit to say and I ain't wit that gossip shit. Jus say watchu gotta say and keep it movin. It's simple as that shit." Lina viciously bites into her burger and Kearston and Semaj exchange confused looks.

"What tha fuck you talkin bout Lina?" Kearston asks frowning.

"Paulina man!" Lina says rolling her eyes. "That bitch always has shit to say to me and about my nigga and if I have to I will be on that ass. TODAY."

"You're always trying to fight someone Lina just let it go." Semaj says shaking her head. "I don't get why violence is always the answer for you two." She adds on still shaking her head.

"It's the easiest way to get people to shut the hell up" Kearston says shrugging. "Simple."

"Well it's wrong." Semaj replies picking up her water bottle.

"You sayin' all that shit now but wait. You wit the baddest nigga in the game right now and when those groupies and hoes start comin at you sideways you gon understand why violence is the answer for us." Lina explains and Kearston nods her head agreeing.

"I can promise you that you won't find me fighting and especially not over Michael. I have pride in myself. Enough pride, respect, and dignity to not stoop to that level with another female because he can't keep them in check. I won't fight with anyone over him."

"You've never been in love, Sammie" Kearston replies sighing.


"Soooo" Lina interjects "when you fall in love you'll end up doin' shit you said you'd never do."

"One, who said I planned on falling in love with Michael? Two, I don't go back on my word and three, Michael and I aren't even a couple yet and who knows if we'll make it to that stage or not." Semaj shrugs her shoulders playing with the bottle cap to her water.

"Mhm" Lina hums. "We'll see now won't we?"

"Yup!" Kearston exclaims popping the P and all Semaj can do it roll her eyes.


"Hey there pretty lady" Semaj hears the male voice behind her as she puts her things up in her locker.

Turning around Semaj comes face to face with Tucker. She smiles not wanting to be rude and replies with a low volumed hello.

"How are you?" He asks obviously wanting to make conversation.

"I'm good and how about yourself?" Semaj turns back momentarily to close her locker.

"I could be better but I actually came over here to ask you a question." He rubs the back of his neck before he connects with Semaj's brown eyes.

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