Chapter 34: Sugar & Spice

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"Well hello you two," Tasha's heels click across the hospital floor. "How are you doing Michael?" She asks putting her black bag in the seat and pushing her hair behind her ears.

"I'm cool," Michael shrugs while drinking the last little sip of water he had in the bottle.

"Good, oh and Happy Birthday Semaj," Tasha says smiling and I look at her with a confused face. "You told me, and plus, I've talked to your father today." She adds on, mumbling before turning her attention to Michael.

"So you being cooped up in a hospital is keeping you out of trouble." She says crossing her legs and folding her arms. "You look good," she nods her head as she examines him from a small distance.

"I feel betta, I guess" he shrugs.

"You want me to go and get you something to drink, Tasha? Snack? Anything?" I ask and she shakes her head 'no'.

"I had a lite...lite lunch before I came here, but I'm perfectly fine. Thank you though." She states and I nod my head before trying to finish up the remainder of the homework I had to do.

"Have you been enjoying your vacation?"

"Witout you on my asss-set?" Michael correctly corrects himself making me chuckle, but I quickly bury my face back into my book that I was supposed to be reading. "Yea, cuz I know the minute I'm steppin' outside you gon be hasslin' me 'bout a job an this an that."

"Speaking of..." Tasha smiles and takes out a newspaper along with a stack of college brochures and gets up, placing them right on Michael's lap. "Merry Christmas," she smiles spreading them. "The newspaper is job listings; I'm giving you a chance to pick this time... okay?" She smiles folding her arms.

"The job, okay" Michael grabs the newspaper, "but this school thing; hell no." He pushes the brochures from his lap making them slide and fall through the bars of the bed and onto the floor. I roll my eyes and pick up the ones that are on my side and Tasha picks up the others.

"Michael you don't have a choice. Now, I am giving you a choice to pick the top five that appeal to you, but an education is needed. I have some people that can help me out with this, but only if you want this."

"I don't want it." Michael quickly responds, shaking his head.

"Yes he does" I sternly say, interrupting. "We'll look over them Tasha and by Monday he'll have his top five picked out for you and some jobs selected. Isn't that right?" I ask turning to Michael and if looks could kill...

"Sure" he says through clenched teeth.

"Thank you, Semaj" she turns to me. "I won't annoy you for much right now" she says patting Michael's leg before going over to her bag, "but Monday I will be back to see just what you decided on, okay?" She smiles and puts the strap on her should before waving to me and leaving out of the hospital room.

"I'm not doin' this shit man" Michael says stacking up some of the remainder brochures that were on his lap and was close to tossing them until I snatched the stack out of his and, placing them on the table with the others.

"You are," I grit.

"I'm not" he shakes his head giving me a fake smile.

"Michael, by Monday you will have a list of jobs and the five colleges like she asked." Semaj grabs the stack of brochures, straightens them, and puts them on Michael's lap. "I think college would be good for you."

"Ain't no college gonna accept me... not once they see my record..." he picks up the Wright State brochure dangling it between his fingers and staring at it as if it was utterly disgusting to him.

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