Chapter 18: I Wanna Know...

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When Michael woke up he was immediately smacked with the smell of bacon and eggs. His rubs at his eyes for a second before opening them and then sits up hearing the sound of grease and running water along with clashing dishes. A few seconds later Semaj is walking out of the kitchen with a pair of black exercise shorts and a blue tank top and long blue socks and her braids were pulling up into a ponytail.

"Good morning," she says with a smile on her face. "I made breakfast so I hope you like eggs and bacon."

Michael nods his head squinting a little and Semaj walks out of the living room and into the hallway. Michael frowns and falls back down his head being smothered by the pillow.

Did we have sex? No.

Did I say I loved her? No.

Did I make us official? No.

Michael didn't understand why in the hell Semaj was going to this extent, making breakfast for him, when he hadn't done none of the above. It made him feel like he didn't deserve it but in reality this was just Semaj. This was just her personality. And it made Michael feel all bubbly inside. A feeling he wasn't enjoying. A feeling he hadn't felt since he was with Lonnie.v

"These are a pair of my dads sweats and a nice shirt. They match your shoes." Semaj says when she comes back into the living room the clothes drapped over her arm."Oh and theres a white t-shirt and a pair of brand new boxers to wear." She explains before setting the clothes on the back of the couch. "There's an extra towel and wash cloth in the bathroom for you."

"Are you always this... hype? Preppy? In the morning?" Michael asks sitting back up.

"Yes." She replies honestly and nodding her head.

"Of course" Michael mumbles before moving the covers off of his lower body.

The food was hot and ready right as Michael was coming back into the living room. He folds his clothes up putting it on the floor next to the already folded covers that Semaj had done while he was in the bathroom.

He walks into the kitchen sitting down in the vacant chair with the plate of food in front of him. Semaj was already seated but was pouring orange juice in both of the glasses.

"What is all of this for?" Michael asks curious as he picks up his fork.

Of couse he wasn't going to turn it down.

"Well I wasn't just going to ask you to stay and not feed you. My parents did raise me better than that." Semaj replies shrugging and Michael nods his head before forking at his eggs.

"Speaking of parents" Semaj says in a low tone "tell me about yours."

She looks up at Michael who's eyes dart right to her. "You did all this so I can tell you 'bout my parents? If thats yo logic for doin this than I'm not hungry." Michael lets the fork fall to the plate and Semaj shakes her head immediately.

"No, that has nothing do with it." She answers quickly. "But it'd be nice to know... You know?"

"Since you want to talk 'bout parents talk 'bout yours. I'd love to know why they're on business so long." Michael says picking back up his fork.

"Well my mom had me when she was seventeen and Simone when she was twenty-three. They pretty much dumped her on me when I was twelve and when I was fourteen they stopped hiring babysitters and I was watching her full time by myself then but at that time they came home more often."

"Once I turned sixteen that's when their coming home started to become scarce. They started to take more jobs which required being away from home longer so I practically raised Simone. My mother barely even knows her own child. Can't even name her favorite color." Semaj explains shaking her head.

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