Chapter 44: On a Fucking Monday

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Michael's POV

Leave it to Tasha's rude ass to show up at somebodies house at seven thirty in the mornin onna fuckin Monday. I thought I was free from her ass until I opened my front door just to see her starin at me wit a wide ass smile on her face. I swear this woman was too damn perky for the time of mornin it is.

I was close to askin her ass what the fuck she was doin here but it wasn't worth the lecture she was gon give me. "It ain't even eight in the mornin' Tasha, watchu doin here?"

"I came to remind you that you need to be down at James' office at nine." She says steppin inside.

She takes out a folder that is filled wit papers and hands them over to me. "I'm giving you one week and one week only to fill out everything that's in this folder. Be sure to write neat and when I come pick these up next Monday I want everything in here done." She eyes me and I take the folder.

"Anything else?" I ask cocking an eyebrow and she looks me up and down.

"Yes, take a shower and put on a nice suit. I don't want you late on the first day."

"Tasha you outta the loop on this but some shit went down wit Semaj's dad on Friday and ima be damned if I walk up in his office and not punch the shit outta his ass." I grit and Tasha cocks her eyebrow at me, foldin her arms.

I shut the door and walk in the livin room, tossin the folder on the table.

"You and him didn't get into an altercation did you? Michael why didn't you call me and tell me this sooner? This is something I have to report you know and I'm being nice. I'm being lenient. I could be an ass, but I'm not but you can't--"

"I ain't even do nothing," I say cuttin her off from talkin. "Look I picked Semaj up from school Friday and took her to her house to drop off her stuff and her dad was there. They got into it started yellin and he ended up hittin her. Look there is a lot of things I coulda tolerate from his ass but hittin Semaj ain't one. It never was one and it's never gon be one and if you want my ass to work then find me a new job. Until then I can't stand to be around a man that you is proud to call yo friend. Jus' not happenin," I explain shaking my head.

Tasha sighs and runs her fingers through her hair. "Michael, I understand that his ways of disciplining Semaj isn't to your liking, but you have bills to pay. Have you even received your medical bills for the stay at the hospital? How are you going to be able to pay that and your regular bills? Look, you need the work experience, so for right now until I can get someone else under my belt to accept you as an employee I'm going to need you to suck up this thing you have against James. Just for a week or two," she holds up her hand knowin that I was gon interrupt.

"If you take this offensive I'm sorry but whatchu on? Crack? Meth? What is it cuz you ain't thinkin Tasha. I can't be around this damn man without wanting to peel his fuckin skin from his face. I just can't."

"Michael please give me three weeks at the least to get you another job that can test your skills. Something that you can maybe turn into a career, I'm not looking for you to have a dead end job. Just suck up the hatred you have for the man, make you some money, and go home. All you have to do is remain respectful."

"Respectful?! He don't even know what that damn word means. Shit. Do you wanna see the big ass bruise Semaj got on her face? I can ask her to send me a pic," I say about to walk to the stairs but Tasha grabs my arm.

"Three weeks," her hand tightens on my arm. "Three weeks and you're out. Either you go through the three weeks at James' office or community service," she cocks an eyebrow and I pull from her grip, scoffing.

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