Chapter 1: The Beginning

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A/N: Before I begin the story I want your honest opinion. Please comment at the end of this chapter and tell me if this is good before I continue. Thanks. Also this is my first time doing first person with different P.O.V's so if I go from first person to third person then please comment on that also. One last thing, everybody is the same age. You will be 12 in the story. That is all please enjoy the story.

???'s P.O.V

"Your never get away with the Bill." I yell.

"Au contraire Pine Tree. My fun has just begun. Pentagram has the deed to the Mystery Shack. Shooting Star, Question Mark, and Ice are trapped in my Fantasy Prison. 6-fingers is now a statue. Claw and Llama are nowhere to be found. Fish Scale is going to be mine forever, and you don't have the journals anymore. Face it, I have won." He informs.

"I will never stop trying to defeat you." I tell him.

~3 months ago~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

'I still can't believe my parents just dropped me off here without warning. I mean I know that they didn't like me, but still I was their daughter' I think as I walk through the woods. 'I felt that I fit in with my other family members, but my own parents just dumping me off here. That is a new low.' I apparently walk too far from my 'home' because I end up walking out into the open. I am now on the edge of the forest looking at the center of town, which is just a statue of, I think, the town founder. I see a golf cart moving out of the corner of my eye. I freak out thinking that the person saw me. I start to head back to my 'home', which is just a cave behind a water fall. I keep thinking on why my parents just ditched me. When I get back to my 'home' I decide to investigate the opposite direction. While I'm walking, I hear pounding footsteps behind me. I don't know what it is and really don't care. All I know is that I need to get out of there. I run until I come to a road and the next thing I know I get thrown through the air and land hard on my back. I try to open my eyes but I am in too much pain to do so. I hear a boy yell something in the distance and feel two pairs of light footsteps on the gravel coming towards me. I hear a girl's voice, probably talking to the boy. They have a conversation and they I feel myself being lifted I groan at the pain that shoots through my body, and then everything goes black.

Dipper's P.O.V.

My sister, Mable, and I are in our grunkle's tour cart trying to get away from a gigantic gnome, I know what I said was crazy but it is the truth. They, there are 1,000 gnomes making up this giant gnome, want Mabel to be their queen.

Me: stop breaking the forth wall by talking to the reader.

Dipper: I don't know if the reader has seen the episode.

Me: It is to be assumed that that everyone here is a 'Faller' so don't break the wall again.

Dipper: Fine. I won't do it again. *pouts*

Me: You know you are cute when you pout.

Dipper: Ok moving on.

She is trying to pry a gnome off my face when we hit something. She finally got it off and threw it to the ground. It scampers back into the forest. I get a good look at what we hit and saw a cute girl 'wait I saw a glimpse of her, not even her face. Why am I thinking like this' with (h/l) (h/c) hair, covering her face, on the ground.

Before the Storm (Dipper x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now