Chapter 28: Not What He Seems

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I wake up to vibrations and the same cyan light shining from the floor boards, just like a few weeks ago. Dipper and Mabel are still out cold asleep.

"What is that?" I whisper to myself. I get up and walk down the stairs as stealthy as I can and see that it is coming from behind the vending machine. 'What is going on?' I wonder. I press my ear up to the glass and focus on nothing but the noise coming from down there.

"Come on, come on. Should be just enough to finish the job." I hear Stan's voice softly say. "Whew. Can't be too careful with this stuff." 'What is he talking about?' I decide to just wait and ask tomorrow. I go back upstairs and fall asleep the moment my head hits the matress. (Yeah, I noticed that I never had Grunkle Stan give you a pillow. Cheapskate. Also, I wish I could fall asleep like this.)

Third Person's P.O.V

Down in the underground laboratory just after (Y/n) left the gift shop, red lights flash and a buzzer goes off. Stan smiles and turns to look at the screen. The screen reads, 'EVENT INITIALIZED' and an eighteen-hour countdown begins.

"Warning." Blah blah blah, "Extreme usage could result in minor gravity anomalies." Stan reads from the first journal, before slamming it shut. "Can it, Poindexter! I've come this far. I'm not givin' up now!" He pushes a button, and the portal begins to spin. "Yes, this is it." Stan's fez floats off of his head. Outside the Shack, rocks float off the ground, and Gompers the goat. A boat lifts out of the lake. In the scrapyard, broken-down cars and junk lift off the ground, and inside McGucket's tiny makeshift shack, a blue light blinks, illumination the sleeping a floating old man. The now functioning laptop reads, 'ACTIVE' under an image of the portal. Back in the Shack the kids, as well as Waddles, float off their beds, but sleep undisturbed. There is a resounding 'thunk' as everything in town touches back down to the ground. "It's gonna be a bumpy ride, but it'll all be worth it." Stan adds as he synchronizes his wristwatch with the steady ticking countdown, still displayed on the monitor. "Just eighteen more hours. Finally, everything changes. Today."

Mabel's P.O.V (haven't seen you in a long time)

I jump on top of my twin's bed. "Dipper!" I yell in his face. He screams and pops up forcing me off the bed and landing on (Y/n).

"Hey!" She whines.

"Sorry, (Y/n)." We both say. She glares at us, then changes to a smile, and she starts to laugh. We both stare at her then start laughing as well.

"Comeoncomeoncomeon." I yell quickly.

"It's here, it's here, it's here!" I go running down the stairs, with the love birds following me. "Okay, so I was just opening random doors-because I'm a creep- when I found something amazing!" I tell them.

"If it was worth waking up at seven AM for, that will be amazing." Dipper says as they both rub their eyes.

Feast your eyes!" I say opening the closet door next to me, revealing various types of fireworks in a box labeled, 'DO NOT TOUCH!'

"Whoa!" The love birds say in unison.

"Bro bro. We're both thinking it." I tell him.

We both say together, "Crazy rooftop fireworks party!"

"Not so fast, kids! There is no way on earth you're setting off those dangerous illegal fireworks..." Stan says sternly before he bends down and smiles to put his arm around all of us "...without me." We all smile and run up to Wendy's 'not-so-secret' roof hideout. Dipper grabs two popsicles from the cooler and hands one to (Y/n). I am standing excitedly next to Stan, who is sitting on the lounge chair with a lit sparkler and Roman candle.

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