Chapter 29c: New Falls

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Part three of three-part crossover special

Cast List

Wendy is a bar wench

Gideon is part of the Mafia

Bill is the Godfather

Mabel is a flapper

Dipper and Sta are normal citizens

(Y/n) is Bill's 'girl'

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I open my eyes to see a smoggy grey sky above me. 'What in Ocean happen to me?' I groan and sit up. I find myself alone in an alley. I slowly pull myself up, using the wall that I was near for support, and walk out of the alley to find myself in Time Square, New York, but it looks different than all the pictures I have seen. Someone come out of an apartment. "Oh, I am so sorry. I didn't see you there." I quickly say.

'It is perfectly fine Miss..." The person says. Something about his voice sounds familiar, but this voice sounds much more mature.

"Oh...uh (Y/n). My name is (Y/n)."

"Well then Miss (Y/- wait (Y/n)!" He yells in shock, getting the attention of people passing us by on the sidewalk.

"Yeah, how do you- wait what are you doing?" I ask as he starts to drag me into the apartment. "Ok who are you?" I yell, jerking my arm away from him.

"How much did he wipe from your memory, (Y/n)?" The stranger asks. Before I can answer, I hear a grunt come from the closest room. I see an older man with brown hair and stubble.

"Who is that you brought into my house, you worthless nephew of mine?" A voice says. 'Wait I know that voice.'

"Stan?" I ask.

"Who are y- wait (Y/n)? H-how did y-you get away from The Fang?" He stumbles on his words.

"Umm...what are you talking about. I woke up in an alleyway a few blocks away." I explain. "Hold on if you're Stan, then..." I turn to the boy behind me. "Dipper?" The boy takes off his hat and pulls down his collar that was hiding his face. I see it is, in fact, Dipper. Only his hair is different. Instead of his hair usually pointing down, part of it was pointing up, yet still covering up his birthmark.

"Dipper!" I yell and hug him, shoving him down in the process. I notice that he has a shiner on his right eye. After the reunion, Stan shoves me into the living room.

"Ok before you start asking me all these questions, I have a couple for you two. What is the date?" I ask.

"Uhh...July 8, 1926?" Dipper replies in the form of a question.

"Wait what, 1926? I must have traveled back in time when I went through the portal. If I went back in time, I wonder where Dipper and Mabel ended up?" I ask myself, not even remembering that the two males are still in the room.

'And the second question is?" Dipper asks.

"What happen to you eye?" I ask.

"Well......uh............Stan gets drunk and then takes his anger out on me." Dipper says the last part in a whisper.

"Ok so you said that you just woke up in an alleyway?" Stan asks, getting rid of the elephant in the room.

"Yeah, that is all." I reply.

"Anything you can remember before that?" Dipper asks me.

"Well you may not believe me, but I am from.........93 years in the future."

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