Chapter 17: Gideon Returns

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Author's P.O.V (Hey People)

A dark shadow covers all the landmarks of Gravity Falls, ending at the Mystery Shack. Suddenly, a wrecking ball (if any of you start singing this in the comments you are dead to me jk) destroys the Mystery Shack. Dipper gasps and screams.

Dipper's P.O.V

"I just had a horrible dream that Gideon stole the deed to the Mystery Shack, kicked us out, injured (Y/n) and...we all had to move in with Soos' grandma?" I say.

"That was no dream, dude." Soos tell me. I scream again, this time waking everyone up.

"Shh. Por favor."

"Uh, sorry, Abuelita." I reply.

"Oh, Soos, your grandma is so adorable! And her skin is old lady soft." Mabel says while rubbing her hands on Abuelita's face.

"Mabel, quit being creepy! The news is finally on." Stan says. I see (Y/n) on a cot on the other side of the room. (For some weird reason when I was typing this out I had imagined her on a cot with a flower in her hands held at her chest. Probably the weather is effecting my mood and right now it is raining on campus.) She still has cuts and bruises on her. I get up and walk over to her. I still can remember what happen to her.


"I don't think so look out." She yells and pushes all of us to the ground trying to cover us with her body. Debris drops and hit her back. She soon falls on top of me with scratches all over her body.

"(Y/n)!" I shake her to see if she will wake up. After I figure she's too injured, I put my head to her chest and hear a heartbeat.

"She's alive." I breathe out in relief. Someone walks up and puts their hand on my shoulder.

"Come on, Soos says we can go to his house until we figure out what to do." Stan says in his gruff voice.

"Ok but first Mabel and I need to do something first." I say looking at my sister. At first she has a confused look on her face until I slightly nod over to my unconscious girlfriend. She soon understands and agrees with me.

"We'll meet you over there." I pick (Y/n) up and Mabel follows me into the woods with Stan yelling at us to come back.

"Is she going to be ok, Dipper?" She asks trying to keep up with my rushing pace.

"If we can get her into the water she may get better faster." I infer. When we make it to her old home, I lay her in the pond. Soon a bright light erupts from the water and (Y/n)'s scratches and bruises heal up. After the light dies down I rush to her side, just to find she is still unconscious. "Why didn't it work?" I ask in shock and worry.

"Maybe that is all the water can do. Come on she's not injured anymore, and we have to head back." Mabel says trying to comfort me.

"Your right. Let's go." I reply picking my girlfriend up out of the water. We race to Soos' house.

~Flashback over~

"I can't believe Gideon beat us and injured her. Normally I'm able to save the day. This is all my fault." I say putting a hand on (Y/n)'s arm. She still hasn't woken up and I am starting to get worried.

"Don't worry, Dipper. Looks like Mabel's going to have to be the hero of the family now. I'll defeat Gideon with my grappling hook!" Mabel yells out in third person.

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