Chapter 29b: Star Falls

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Part two of the three-part crossover special

Cast list



Soos=Uncle Owen

Wendy=Aunt Beru

Robbie=Han Solo



(Y/n)=Leia's guard



Gideon=Darth Vader (No relation to Dipper in the AU)







(Warning will change P.O.V multiple times)

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"My father will know how to retrieve it You must see this pig safely delivered to him on Gravity Falls. This is our most desperate hour." Mabel says into the video camera she is sending along with the plans, as I attach them to Waddles. I hear the sound of stormtroopers coming towards us.

"Mabel, we need to go." I tell her getting into the frame of the camera for a second.

"Help me Stanly, you're my only hope." She finishes up and attaches the camera to the swine. She tells me to send him to an escape pod. I rush off with the pig behind me.

"Take this to Stan as soon as possible." I whisper to him. I put him down in the escape pod and jettison it into space. As soon as I do, I feel a presence behind me. I turn around and am faced with Darth Gideon and four stormtroopers. Two of them holding onto Mabel.

"Ah now I have you both, the princess and her guard." Gideon says in his deep robotic voice. He turns to me, "I guess you weren't very good at your job." He snaps his fingers and the other two troopers grab me by the arm. They drag us to the front of the ship. "You both have been sending multiple transmissions to the rebels. Tell us what you have done with the plans." Gideon demands.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Mabel says looking confused.

"We are members of the Imperial Senate on a diplomatic mission to Gravity Falls." I add.

"You're part of the Reble Alliance, and a traitor. Take them away!" Gideon yells and we are taken to two different cells.

Dipper's P.O.V

I was looking out to see the twin suns of Piedmont, wishing how I could just get away from this deserted rock. My daydreaming comes to an end when I hear a squealing sound coming from behind me. I turn around just in time to get tackled by a big light pink blob. "What the-where'd you come from, little guy?" I ask rubbing who I now discovered is a pig.

"Meat! Meat!" I hear tiny voices chant. I look over and see the gnomes running towards us with forks.

"Don't worry little guy, I won't let them get you." I tell the pig, as I pick him up. I run off towards my uncle and aunt's homestead. "Let's get up cleaned up." I bring him into the garage. "What's this?" I pull a disk from under the collar.

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