Chapter 22: Girl Help

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Dipper's P.O.V

I woke up to a slight pressure to my chest. I open my eyes to see my girlfriend cuddled up asleep in front of me. I look around and see that Mabel is already up. Looking back down at (Y/n) and smile at the sight. 'I really need to ask her out on a date, before some tourist take her away from me.' (Not yandere, I repeat not yandere) I am brought out of my thoughts when (Y/n) starts to shift in her sleep. She opens her eyes and looks up at me.

"Well good morning." I say to her. Her reply is a groan and nuzzling her face back into my chest. I chuckle at the sight, making my chest bounce up and down, forcing her to do the same. She opens her eyes again and glares at me, angry that her rest was interrupted. "Come on, it's time we get up." She groans again and rolls off me.

"Fine what are we going to be doing today?" She groans.

"Well, I was hoping that we cou-" I get cut off by Grunkle Stan yelling at all of us from downstairs, and I sigh.

"Yeah, hang onto your old man wrinkles. We'll be down in a few" (Y/n) yells out. Mabel and I run down the stairs with my girlfriend trudging behind us.

"Took you long enough." Grunkle Stan grumbles.

"What's up Grunkle Stan?" Mabel asks.

"Nothing for you, but the love birds, time to get your costumes on." He says, trying to be mysterious.

"What? No!" 'Are you kidding me?" We both say.

"No buts about it. You two go and get ready. We open in ten."

"Fine. Come on (Y/n)." I groan in anger. She follows me up the stairs.

"I can't believe he is making us do this again. The last time this happened, I had to sing and put all the males into a trance."

"Besides me, thought. For some reason your song doesn't affect me." I tell her.

"Maybe it's because you already love me. I hope I don't have to sing this time." She begs.

"Maybe we can find something in the journal to help you." When we reach the attic, I grab the journal and scan through it. "Here it is. On the same page as the Zombie Spell." I see her shutter as I say those words. She walks up to me and looks through the page.

"Says all I need is a necklace I wish to charm." She says, then takes off the choker.

"You're gonna use the choker from the gift shop?" I ask.

"Well yeah, I mean, I already don't take it off so, why not?" She informs. "Ok so I have to take the necklace and hold it in the hand I write with, my power hand. Visualize a bright warm light around it. I also need to imagine a force field around me warding off my power. Now for the spell," She stops and looks at me. Her expression says it all.

"Just because one spell didn't work out doesn't mean another will do the same." I tell her.

She nods and continues with the spell. "I call upon the universe, to make this my protective charm. Whenever I wear it, I shall no longer be able to use my power." She says with her eyes closed to increase her concentration. As she recites the spell, her hand glows in a bright white light, that slowly dims to her tail color. When the light dims down enough, she opens her eyes. "Did it work?"

"I think so, your hand light brightly, so I' m guessing." I reply.

"Kids! I hear from downstairs.

"Crabs!" We both hiss out. I race to the bathroom and stuff myself into the costume, fake fur and all. By the time I get out, (Y/n) is already dressed and is flopping down the stairs. I run down and grab hold of her arm helping her the rest of the way.

Before the Storm (Dipper x fem!reader)Where stories live. Discover now