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After reading some parts of this story and look at comments and the read count, I have decided to enter the Wattys for this year. Now because I started this story in 2016, I need to update the chapters to show that I have written and completed it after Jan. 1, 2017. Please excuse the next say 30 minutes of updates for this book. Nothing dramatic will change just fixing some errors I looked over.

Update: so even thought I updated all of the chapters to be after the date, the original publish date is still 2016, so I am NOT eligible for the Wattys. The award submission instruction are becoming a little harder to understand. If I would have checked before hand I probably wouldn't have gotten my hopes up. Oh well, at least the mistakes are fixed within all my chapters.

For an update on the sequel, I am not going to start it just yet, I want to see how the sneak peak works out before trying again. I also don't really want to start another story when I already have one I am working on. I do like you saying that even though it is a crossover that is not really a thing, you guys still want to read it. I may be just getting ahead of myself. While I am writing my Lion Guard, you can watch or rewatch the season in which my story will take place, aka season 4 and 5. If you have Netflix you can watch it there, if you don't have the streaming site I suggest watching it on this 


It will have all the seasons, just search for Once Upon a Time, you will have to scroll for the seasons but there is no addition to the title.

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