Chapter 34: Birthday Breaking Hearts

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

The feel of a poke on my cheek wakes me up. "Oh, hey Mabel. What's going on?"

"Wanna help me scare Dipper?" She asks. She has googly eyes glued to her chin.

"You know it? Besides I still don't think he's learned his lesson from the other day. I grin. Mabel backs away, so I can stand up. I motion Mabel to stand by Dipper's head and look over him. "Just watch out for his reflexes." Without warning I jump on Dipper's bed and straddle he waist. He bolts awake, and screams.

"Mornin', Dipper, guess who!" Mabel says, speaking in a male's voice, as she comes into Dipper's sight.

"Oh, what hoy. If it isn't Mr. Unpside-downington. How long's it been? Third grade, maybe?"

"That's right. And I'm here to deliver you an upside-downington-tastic message!"

"Is it the message that we're getting too old for this sort of thing?"

"Um-" Mabel looks to me.

"Kinda, actually. It's that both of you are exactly one week away from your 13th birthday." I yell.

"Whoa! Our birthday's coming up already?" Dipper gasps in shock. Soon we- Uh (Y/n), can you please get off me?"

"Oh, right sorry." I jump off his bed.

"Soon, we're gonna be actual teenagers! Wait (Y/n) didn't you say that your birthday is in June?" Dipper suddenly asks.

"Well, you remember when Stan brought that dino egg back from underground?"


"Well it was that day. It's just a lot was happening, I didn't want you having to adding a meddlesome thing like my birthday to all the craziness."

"(Y/n)! your 13th birthday wouldn't have been meddlesome, we could have celebrated it the next day." Dipper says with a partly stern voice.

"We can celebrate it along with ours." Mabel suggests.

"And take focus away from you, never. If you want to do anything for my birthday, then you can do it before.

'Finally, (Y/n), we can stop reading preteen magazines and start reading post-preteen magazines."

"Mabel, I think that it would just be teen magazines."

"PG-13 movies, here we come!"

"And just one more year until high school. High school, guys! Where girls become women and they teach us stuff know what." Mabel says excitedly.


"Oh yeah, baby!" Stan and Soos barge into the room.

'That's not the only good news coming up! In one week my senior citizen's pony tail kit is coming in the mail. "I'm...I'm kinda going through some things."

"In one week, my grandma is finally letting me eat crackers on my bed! The future is coming for us all, dudes."

"The future." Stan says with partial gusto.

"The future!" Dipper yells with excitement.

"The future!" Mabel, well, just yells.

"I look down, "The future." I say sadly. Everyone is going on to do bigger and better things, and I'm stuck here with only enough education up to the 6th grade and half of 7th.

"What face, Dipper" Mabel says in her downington voice, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"You're-You're doing the voice so you obviously know what I'm talking about-"

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