Chapter 24: Memories

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Please do not play music till I tell you to for more if an experience.

Third Person's P.O.V

Lazy Susan is sweeping the floors of Greasy's Diner. "Ta dum, locking up." She peers at the possums scurrying around in the dishes, pokes her broom at them. "Shoo, possums, shoo!" She yells, then continues to sweep and notices a hermit under on e of the tables, "Git, McGucket, git!" he scampers out of the building like a dog, with the possums. "Ta dum, ta dum..." Susan walks out the door, locking it afterwards. "Good night, diner. Good night, trees." She pauses by three gnomes standing on top of each other attempting to steal a pie, with Jeff leading them. "Good night tiny men stealing my pie." She stops and back tracks. "Wait, WHAT?!"

'Lift with your knees. No, your knees. If I have to go one more hour without eating, I'm gonna resort to cannibalism." Jeff notices lazy Susan and tips his hat. "Ma'am."

Lazy Susan screams, "Little magic men! What does it mean? What do I do?" She asks herself, backing up into a payphone. She picks up the receiver and dials 911. "Yes, hi. I'd like to report something. I'm at Greasy's Diner. You won't believe what I've witnessed." Two figures sneak up behind the unsuspecting woman. It's unbelievable! It's indescribable! It's, it's....AAAAAAAH!!" The figures throw aa burlap sack over her head and drag her away.

As they pass a wall, another mysterious figure watches as the woman is struggling against the grip. "It is unseen." The last figure follows the others. An eye, with an 'X' over it, is spray painted on the wall.

The gnomes, who watched all of this, just go back to their normal doings. "Welp back to pie." Jeff says as the rest of them leave with the pie. A slice of pie falls and lands on the sidewalk. "I was this close to eating you Steve."

Dipper's P.O.V

(Y/n) is sitting on her matress, leaning up against my bed post, reading more of the journal, while I am putting the finishing touches on my homemade police suspect board. (I get that from my other love. His pops' in law enforcement. Hahahahahah #Sorrynotsorry. Luv u Stiles) Chewing on my pen I mumble, "Alright author, who are you? Who are-Blah" The pen break in my mouth, squirting ink onto my tongue. (You don't know how gross that was to type.) "Not again." Oi add as I chunk the pen to a box with other broken pens.

"Dipper that's the fourth pen you've gone through in the past hour." (Y/n) sighs, muttering a, "It's a wonder you ain't poisoned yet."

"Hey, bro-bro. Look what I got!~" Mabel sing-songs as she runs in and jumps on my bed.

"Yeah, a filthy green bottle!" I say with fake enthusiasm.

"It's a bottle message from Mermando, remember? He was part fish, and part shirtless guy." Mabel gasps. "What if he wants to get back together?" 'Did they even go out?' I think.

"I wouldn't get your hopes up, Mabel." I tell her.

"Too late! Hopes are way, way up!" She squeals excitedly as we plop down on my bed, while opening the bottle cap and reads the letter. "'Dear Mabel'...So far so good! 'It's with a heavy heart' far so good!" I see (Y/n)'s facial expression as my sister reads the first sentence. She knows where this is heading. "'That I must inform you, I'm getting married.'?!"

"And there it is." I call out.

"'In order to prevent an undersea civil war...arranged wedding...Queen of the Manatees.'?! And she's so beautiful! This can't be happening." She says as she looks at the picture of the new 'couple'.

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