Chapter 13: The Reveal

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

We are all in the living room listen to Toby's news cast on the radio. Stan finally came out of the pit.

"All in favor of doing nothing all day, say, 'Ugh'."

We all reply with an 'Ugh' Waddles walk up to Stan.

"I'm gonna throw this pig out of the house." Stan yells. The pig oinks and lick, what I hope is chocolate of said Grunkle's face. "You called my bluff, pig."

"-on the bright side, pun very much intended, it's opening week at the Gravity Falls Pool."

"Gravity Falls Pool?" Dipper asks in excitement.

"Today?" Mabel adds in.

"Pun intended?" Soos asks stupidly. I face palm for two reasons. 1.) I am 100% sure that Mabel is going to try and 'help' me get over my fear of water, and 2.) That Soos only hears 'pun intended'.

"Quick! To the car! Stan yells as he tries to get up, be he is stuck to the floor.

"Hey, kids, a little help here?" He says. We pull out spatulas and release the old man from the floor. "Alright! Off to the pool!" He says as he turns to the door. We all see that the floor boards he was laying on have gotten stuck to his back. He walks out of the room and to the front door.

"And remember to be on alert form random wildfires." Toby adds.

"Wait, what?" Stan spazzes. We soon hear him scream as he apparently catches on fire.

"He'll be fine." Mabel assures us.

~Time skip brought to you by Mabel's repeated line~

"Ah! The pool! A sparkling oasis of summer enchantment!" Mabel informs as we walk. Well they walk, I am being dragged by Mabel. I keep pleading, reminding them that I am afraid of water. She turns around and looks me dead in the eyes. "I will help you with your fear, I helped Stan get over his fear of heights." She says pulling me closer to the water. Dipper is walking slowly behind us.

"No please I don't want to conquer my fear." I tell her squirming, trying to get free.

"What is just the fear talk-" Mabel stops and I stop trying to pull away from her. I follow her gaze at a boy with long brown hair. I start to look at him too, something about him is familiar, At that moment Mabel lets go of me and, in the position I'm in, I start to fall into the pool, till someone pulls me back. I look behind me and see Dipper holding onto my wrist. I feel my cheeks hear up. 'No, I have to stop that. I am still upset with him lying to Mabel and I.' I think.

"Uh....thanks." I say.

"No problem." He answers. We walk back to the group.

"It's so beautiful!" Soos exclaims.

"Eh, Mabel's all talk. You wanna know a secret? She's never even kissed a guy before. She always messes it up somehow." Dipper says like it is nothing.

I scowl at him, "Are you kidding me. Do you have any idea how important a first kiss is to a girl?" OI yell at him.

"Oi. Women." Stand says not even paying attention to me. A water balloon flies through the air and lands on his face. "Aaah!"

"Hey, Mr. Pines!" Wendy says from atop the lifeguard tower.

"Wendy? Where's the lifeguard?" Stan asks completely clueless.

"She is the lifeguard."

"I make the rules, sucka!" Wendy says after me. She throws another water balloon at Stan.

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