Chapter 38: (AKA) Epilogue

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This video has nothing to do with the chapter. I originally posted this chapter on June 24, 2018, a date that 'according to the bible' was supposed to be the end of the world. I have since updated.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"Happy birthday to you~." We all sang to the twins.

"Thank you." Dipper tells the townsfolk that showed up for the birthday, which was practically everyone since Shandra Jimenez announced it to T.V.

"At the beginning of summer, I thought about what I wanted for my birthday, I wanted friends and family. Now I realized that I got all of that and more." He looks over at me when he says 'more'.

"Hey, can you just open up your presents. I broke a nail wrapping it." Pacifica says holding up her hands, which had tape on them. We all start laughing. I hand the twins their presents. For Mabel, I got her a loom kit so it will be easier to make her sweaters. For Dipper, it was a new journal with a fishtail on it, and a jar of ink, including a feather. He looks at me confused.

"What is with the 15th century writing tolls?" He asks.

"I know you go through so many pens a day, so I got you this, since you can't break a feather." I answer.

"And the journal?"

"It is a journal just for mermaids and sirens." He still looks at me confused. "What?! You don't think that I will be the only sea creature you will meet, did you?" I ask.

"Uhh of course not. Thank you." He hugs me and kisses me on the lips. The townspeople 'awww' while Mabel was trying to contain her inner fangirl. As, the twins open the rest of their gifts, and say thank you to everyone, I notice Stand and Ford walk around the corner of the shack. Me, being me, follows them.

"Ok what do you want to talk about Ford?"

"It's about (Y/n). There is something odd about her. The portal picked up and odd spike in, dare I say it, magic properties when she got pulled in."

"That is probably because she is a Mer." Stan tells his brother.

"No, there was something else there, like she is not supposed to be in this world."

I gasped softly. 'Not supposed to be in this world? How can I not belong in this world?'

"And that is not the only thing. Weirdmageddon has been contained but I'm detecting some strange new anomalies near the Arctic Ocean." He shows a holographic map of the world on his watch. "I want to go investigate it, but I think I might be too old to go at it alone." Ford looks to Stan.

"Are you sayin' you need someone to help you sail around the world in the adventure of a lifetime?" Stan asks.

"I don't just want someone to come with me, Stanley, I want it to be you." He hands Stan a picture, but I am hiding too far away to see it.

"Will you give me a second chance?"

"you think we'll find treasure? And babes?"

"Heh! I'd say there's a high probability. But, what should we do with the Mystery Shack?" They both look up at the Shack.

"I think that town's had enough mystery for one lifetime. Are you thinkin' what I'm thinkin'?" They start whispering about what they are going to do. I try to listen in but get scared when Soos comes up behind me and gasps. I shove him back towards the party before they realize that we heard them. They come back a few minutes later and Stan taps on a Pitt Cola bottle.

'Everyone. I have an announcement to make. Me and my...heh!.....nerdy bro over here have some catchin' up to do. We're gonna be away for a while. That's why I'm shutting down the Mystery Shack for good." Everyone starts murmuring.

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