Chapter 30: Stanford

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Stan's P.O.V

"Hurry up Poindexter. We need to get those kids back."

"I know that, just g-" He gets cut off by a buzzing sound and a red light flashing. "What in the world?" He asks as he rushes towards the control panel.

"What's going on?" I ask, scared.

"Something is happening to one of the girls, (Y/n) I think." He answers. "What in the- how is that possible?" He mumbles.

"How is what possible?" I ask.

"She's a M-" Ford gets cut off again, this time by the machine whirling and static coming from it. Two figures get thrown into the air from the portal. I recognize that they are the kids. Dipper gasps out like her had been holding his breath. Mabel looked as though nothing really happened to her.

"W-Wh-ere......(Y-Y/n-n)?" Dipper coughs out.

"She hasn't come back yet." Ford answers.

"What happen to your neck, bro-bro?"

"The last thing I remember was being hung by some angry towns folk from a Gravity Falls version of Salem, Massachusetts. (Y/n) was the witch and she kept hearing Bill's voice in her head."

"Interesting, where did you end up?" Ford asks Mabel.

"In outer space! I was a princess and Gravity Falls was a planet! (Y/n)was my guard, by my planet, also called Piedmont, was destroyed." Dipper crawls over and hugs his sister in comfort. The machine whirls again so I run over to protect the kids. (Y/n) gets thrown to the ground. Dipper let's go of Mabel and runs as quickly as he can to his girlfriend.

Dipper's P.O.V

I run over to where (Y/n) landed and see her clothes are ripped and torn in places. Her breathing is shallow and slow. 'I wonder what she went through?' I feel two hands on my shoulders and look behind me seeing Stan on my left and Mabel on my right.

"He'll watch her and make sure she's alright." He says. I slowly nod my head and let Mabel comfort me as my newly found grunkle takes my girlfriend away.

~Time Skip brought to you by Stan's twin brother~

We had brought her to a room hidden behind a wall to watch her vitals and to keep hidden from the feds, after Ford announcing that he knows about her.........difference. As the days passed, (Y/n) started to get stronger. I stay with her from dawn until dusk.

"Come on bro-bro, you need to eat. (Y/n) would want."

"No! Don't say that! That makes it seem like she is dead." I yell. Mabel squeaks in fright an slinks away. My facial expression changes. "I'm sorry Mabel. I just miss her so much. The other (Y/n) from Salem Falls was the total opposite from ours. I just want a sign showing that this is my girlfriend." The silent room was immediately filled with the sound of screaming the panting.

"Bill! Let me go!" (Y/n) screams out, as she shoots up in the bed. She looks around and first notices the IV in her arm and begins to freak out until I put my hand on her arm. "Dipper? My Dipper?" I nod my head. She latches onto me, the IV getting pulled out of her arm. "Bill tried to use me to take over the universes." She cries in to my chest. I look over at my sister, who looks at me worried for her friend. When the sound of footsteps starts to surround us, (Y/n) flinches. With every step, (Y/n) shakes more violently.

"I see she's awake." Ford says behind me.

"Yeah, but Bill did something."

"No, at least not our Bill. The 1920's Bill did this." (Y/n) raises her head to look at all of us. "Is he gone? Am I safe?" She asks still shaking in my arms.

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