Chapter 26: Love Potion #9

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(Anyone who knows the song, you can sing it in the comment. I won't judge.)

Gideon's P.O.V

"Alright Gideon, for some reason, someone paid your bail. You are free to go." An officer says as he unlocks my cell.

I walk out, "Who would free me. After the Pines' twins and (Y/N) made me the laughing stock of the entire town, everyone makes a mockery of my name." I ask, as I follow him to the visitation room.

"I would. Who else could even pay it?" A female voice comes from a corner shrouded in darkness.

"Come out! Show yourself!" I yell out. The person steps out slowly. "Pacifica Northwest!" I say slyly.

"Who else. I need your help with something."

"What could you possibly give me?" I ask.

She walks up to me and whispers in my ear the one word I have been dying to hear, "Revenge." I grin evilly at her.


Dipper's P.O.V

The teenagers, my twin, girlfriend and I were lying in the cemetery look at clouds. "Whoa! That cloud looks like a chipmunk-" Mabel points up.

"Barfing an airplane!" Wendy finishes. We all laugh at the sight.

"Uh that looks like...uh, a cloud!" Thompson says, stuttering a bit.


Thompson, stop being the worst at everything." Wendy comments.

"I think that looks more like a waffle." (Y/n) says, tilting her head.

"Why is it always food with you?" I joke. She replies by playfully shoving me on the shoulder.

"Hey! That cloud looks like a big heart-shaped balloon." Mabel points to a pink heart.

"Cloud don't come in colors. That is a balloon." I say.

"Oh dude! It's the Woodstick festival." Wendy informs.

"Sweet! Wait the wood what?" I ask.

"It's this annual concert featuring Oregon's up and coming indie bands." Wendy takes Tambry's cell phone out of her hands, with the bratty teen whiles about her loss of tech. Wendy flips through several images of the bands. "They're all coming! Scarves Indoors, Wood Grains on Everything, the Love God! You've probably seen him in that viral video." She pulls up said video.

"Who's ready to fall in love tonight?" The Love God yells out. He trips over himself and falls into the camera, "Whoa! Ow! I hope nobody's filling this!"

"Whoa! Like a real concert concert? I've never actually been to one of those before." I say, rubbing my arm embarrassed.

"That's because you've never had an awesome crew to roll with." She points to the others. Thompson is holding a dirty sponge.

"Come on, Thompson!" Lee yells. "Lick that sponge! Lick that sponge!" Him and Nate both start chanting. Thompson groans but falls for peer pressure and does it anyway. The two pre-teens start laughing with and underline groan in disgust.

"Can't believe he's doing it!" Nate says laughing.

"When you're with us, you're in!" Wendy points at Dipper. Groaning can be heard behind the gang. They all look worried as an unkindness of ravens caw and fly away from the nearby branches.

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