Chapter 31: Board Games Are Sometimes Worse

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Third Person's P.O.V

'I wish I could go back to the Shack, but not if he is going subject me to tests for my whole life." A girl thinks to herself as she relaxes in her pond. She didn't see how her leaving, hurt the twins and Stan. Every day for the past week The Pines' family had been crying and feeling miserable since that night. She had just been hiding out in her old home behind the waterfall. 'Everything was much simpler before Ford arrived.' She thinks.

~The next day brought to you by it's almost the roaring 2020's (yeah, nevermind on this time skip add) ~

A sign saying, 'Temporarily CLOSED for Repairs.' Hung on the gift shop door of the Shack. Inside the gift shop, Mabel is lying on the floor with an empty cheese boddles bag. Stan is sitting in his journal, probably his way of getting through the rough time while Mabel blow the bag into the air, the bag slowly drifts down. "I ate a bag of Cheese Boddles without using my hands." She says sadly, unlike her usual self.

"I find it odd how nothing interesting is happening today." Stan adds as he looks down at the girl. As soon as he says that there is a thump from downstairs and Ford comes out of the vending machine door with a Cycloptopus on his wrists. The young Pines' twins scream in fear, and slight anger

"Get down! Don't let it touch human flesh!" Ford yells as he punches it and the creature drops his hand crawls around the room.

"What is it?!" Dipper asks in surprise as he jumps up onto a stand to avoid the creature. Mabel just looks at the creature as it jumps on the counter close to Stan.

He screams, hitting it with a rolled-up newspaper, "Kill it! Kill it!"

Ford chases it into the corner, "Patience...and," The moment the Cycloptopus' eye turns into a screaming mouth, Ford shocks it with his gloves and holds up its burnt body. "Gotcha!"

"Great now get it outta here. It smells like if death could barf." Stan complains.

Dipper runs over to his great uncle. "Great Uncle Ford, I've been meaning to ask you about last night. Wh-"

"I'm sorry, Dipper. I have much to do. I cannot answer your questions." He says solemnly. "Well, call me for dinner." He adds happily.

"Maybe next time then? Or not? Or never?" Dipper says sadly at first, then ends up angry.

"Aww, Dipper, don't take it so hard." Mabel puts in, trying to calm her brother down.

Stan walks up behind them and hits him with the newspaper. "No, do take it hard. Take it hard and serious. My brother is a dangerous, self-centered egomaniac. You heard what he said that night. Do yourself a favor and stay away from him, you hear me?"

"But, I want to know his side of the story." Dipper complains.

"Don't worry about him. You belong here with me and Mabel. We'll find a way to get (Y/n) back."

"Yeah! Besides the season finale of Duck-tective is airing this Friday! That's all the mystery you'll need this week. Quack with us, Dipper! Quack, quack, quack, quack..." Mabel informs.

"Huha, yeah! Quack, quack, quack, quack..."

Stan joins in. As they continue Dipper looks at the vending machine wondering if he should ask Ford about that night.

"Quack, quack, quack, a quack, quack, quaaaacck. Quuaaaaa... What isn't he quacking?" Mabel asks as she points at her younger twin. A half hour later, Mabel is laying in the living room, writing a letter. 'Dear Mom and Dad, we've been in Gravity Falls for a few months and so much has happened! Just last week gravity reversed itself, almost destroying the universe and totally wrecked the town!' She says in her head as she writes it down. She looks up at the TV where lazy Susan is standing in front of a crane attempting to pick up Greasy's Diner.

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