Chapter 19: Walkers!!!

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Chapter 19 Walkers!!!!!!

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I wake up to vibrations and this bright light shinning up from the floor boards, and the floor shaking. It feels like an earthquake. I open my eyes to see a weird cyan glow. I sit up and look around, rubbing my eyes. I see that my friends are still asleep and so is Waddles. I decide I will find out what is going on tomorrow. I soon find my eyes are getting heavy, even though it is still very bright in the room. I quickly fall back asleep.

Third Person's P.O.V

As the children sleep, below in an underground lab, Stan is looking at the portal. "Thirty long years and it's all let up to this. My greatest achievement!" he pauses and looks down. "Probably should have worn pants." The machine sprouts out some fire that hits Stan in the shoulder as hit pats himself to get rid of the fire. "Feisty, I like it." He walks behind the glass where all the instruments and computers are kept. He flips a few switches and looks at readouts on 5 screens that showed up behind a panel above him. "If I finally pull this off, it'll all have been worth it." He learns back in the chair he's in. "I just have to keep playing it cool; if anyone ever found out about this..." Out of the corner of his eye, he sees a picture frame of the twins and (Y/n). "Yeah, right. I've come this far. Who could possibly catch me now?" He pulls out a six-fingered glove and pulls a switch labeled 'Max Power' which powers up the machine, causing a power surge across town, and most of the townsfolk don't notice, but a few of them wake up and notice the strange blue light.

In a government base miles away, two agents, one named Agent Trigger, and the other is Agent Powers, look at the screen, with sound waves flowing on it at times. "See there! There it is again!" Agent Trigger says.

"We haven't seen readings like this for thirty years." Agent Powers adds in.

"Is it coming from deep space?" Trigger ask zooming in on the screen. "An enemy weapon site?" he zooms in several more times.

"Just as I suspected. Gentlemen! We're going to Gravity Falls." Powers exclaims.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I wake up bright and early. 'Hmm I wonder what the bright blue light from last night?' "Kids, get up! We have work to do!" I hear Stan's gruff voice come from downstairs.

"Showtime," I mumble, excited. I throw the sheets off my body and jump, well as much as I can, being on a matress on the ground, up and walk over to Waddles. "Can you help me wake up Mabel?" I ask him. He looks at me and wiggles his nose. "Thank you." I head over to Dipper's bed while Waddles licks Mabel's face. "Dipper wake up." I say shaking him/ All he does is groan and turn over on his side so his back in facing me. I smirk, thinking of a great way to wake him up. I jump right on top of him.

"Gah! What the- (Y/n)! What are you doing?" Dipper screams out while blushing.

"You wouldn't get up." I inform still smirking.

"You didn't have to jump on top of me." He mutters.

"Yeah, but Stan has something special for the grand re-opening of the shack today." I tell him. At that he opens his eyes wide. I hear giggling on the other side of the room. We both turn our heads to see Mabel grinning ear-to-ear holding Waddles to her chest. "Come on. We have to get ready." I say as I grab a (f/c) tank top and jean capris with a light same color flora pattern, of course, my choker and head into the bathroom to change. I come back into the attic and the twins are already ready. "Ok let's go." I say. We walk down the stairs and head outside where a crowd is starting to form.

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