Chapter: 16 Dreamworlds

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I am looking at the journal while Dipper and Mabel are playing an off version of battleship. I am reading about this triangle that kinda looks like the illuminate.

"I'm gonna say...B5." Dipper says.

"Miss." Mabel replies for the 10th time. She put a peg on the board. I look up from the journal to see the pegs are arranged like a kitten.

"I don't think you're playing this right."

"kids! Come quick!" Stan yells from downstairs. 'I hope it's not another dino.' When we enter the living room, we see the commercial for the Tent of Telepathy on the TV. "I need you to laugh at this with me!"

"Who's cute as a button, and always your friend? Lil' G-I-D to the E-O-N! Wink!" Gideon sings.

"Lil' Gideon!" Bud Gleeful says cheerfully.

"Ugh, Gideon!" Dipper groans.

"Remember when I wouldn't date him and he tried to destroy us?" Mabel asks.

"Yes, I tried to help you but only got him mad at me and probably in love with me." I add.

"He's always trying to trick me into losing the Mystery Shack." Stan adds.

"One time I caught him stealing my moisturizer." Wendy says creeped out.

"And yet, our mutural hatred for him bonds us together." Soos informs. On the TV Gideon laughs.

"Come on down to Lil' Gideon's Tent of Telepathy, opening soon at this location." Bud says, as the commercial shows the infamous blue tent crushing the Shack.

"Uh, should we be worried about that?" Dipper asks.

"Please, the only way Gideon's taking over this shack is by breaking in and stealing my deed." Stan answers. A crash can be heard from upstairs.

"Uh like right now." I say. We all jump up and run to Stan's office, where Gideon is attempting to open Stan's safe.

"38? 41? Oh heavens to Betsy!" I hear Gideon mumble.

"Gideon!" Stan yells, alerting the young, creepy boy of us being there.

"Well, well, Stanford, my arch-nemesis. We seem to have entered a dangerous game of cat and mouse. But the question remains who is the cat, and who is the-" Said boy gets cut off by Stan asking Soos for a broom.

"Ooo Stan can I do it this time?" I ask. Stan looks at me for a moment before nodding.

"Sure go ahead." He hands me the broom. I give out a creepy giggle while walking slowly up to the boy with the broom raised high.

"Oh no, not the broom!" Gideon exclaims. I chase him around the room with the broom. Eh starts hissing so I wrack him in the face with it. (I really wish I could do this to sooooooo many people at my former high school.) he hisses again, and I hit him again. Eh crawls out of the window. "You mark my words, Pines family, one day I'm gonna get that combination. And once I steal that deed, you'll never see the Mystery Shack again!" Gideon yells.

"Good luck, bucko!" Stan yells back. We all go back to watching the cruddy TV channels. When I sit on the dino head next to the reclining chair, I get shot in the head by a Nyarf dart. I look over and see Dipper with a gun. I laugh and pick up a random gun that was laying around and shoot a dart at his head too.

"He puts the old in 'Old West' they call him.......

'Grandpa the Kid'.

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