Chapter 33: Tourist for a Day

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

I wake up to the sound of an old beat up vehicle, with the right-side brakes squeaking a bit. (comment if you get the reference.) "What is he doing this time?" I groan, pulling the pillow over my head. "We might as well figure out what it is." Dipper adds. We all get up and get dressed.

"Kids! Come own here!" Stan yells. We look at each then fun outside. Grunkle Stan is slapping a bumper sticker on the back of a run-down RV that says, "CAUTION: SILVERFOX AT THE WHEEL" as Soos helps pack it up. "Nice. And don't forget bug spray! It's perfect for spraying in the face of hitch hikers." He tells Soos.

"Whoa. An RV? Camping gear? Are you running from the law again?" Dipper asks suspiciously. I shudder at the memory of the last time Stan ran from the law. He almost made me have a heart attack. I am brought out of my thoughts at the word, "...revenge trip. Every year my tourist trap competitors prank the Mystery Shack. Last year those hooligans duct tape Soos to the ceiling." Stan informs.

"That was a fun 78 hours." Soos says happily as he ties off the baggage on the top of the RV

"Well no more!" Stan yells out, handing map of all the tourist traps in Oregon to Dipper and me. "This year we're visiting every tourist trap along the Redwood Highway, and I'm gonna prank back every single one.

"Bow wow! Time to let the road dogs bark!" Grenda's rough voice sound behind me.

"That is us. We are the road dogs." Candy adds.

"Thanks for letting me bring Candy and Grenda along for our road trip, Grunkle Stan."

"The more the merrier. Just sign these non-disclosure agreements. None of your parents are lawyers, right?" Stan asks as he hands the two children forms, then they all head into the RV.

"What do you say, dude? You comin' Soos asks.

"Yeah, Dipper, this could be the only adventure that has we may not have heading into the RV as well.

Dipper's P.O.V

"I already went to the trouble of packing all your stuff. Even the stuff you kept in that secret box under the bed." Mabel pats said box, knocking it off the sleeping bag. All the contents spill out, revealing notes, overly marked out and pictures of (Y/n). "Whoa. What the...? What's that?" She groans.

I drop to my knees and start picking the pictures up. "Uh, nothing! Just...planning another date for (Y/n)." My sister and Soos groan.

"Bro, you don't have to have an overly thought out plan for (Y/n)."

"Ahh, I know, I know!"

"Two words, Dipper. Wing it!"

"Yeah, dude. And a road trip's the perfect place to get ideas and ask other girls."

"I don't want to ask other girls, besides (Y/n)'s coming with us. I don't want her thinking anything." We all finish loading up the RV and head out. Just minutes after starting our trip, Soos pops his head out of the window, panting like a dog with his tongue out.

"Man, RVs are amazing. I can't believe we're sitting at a table in a moving vehicle." Grenda says in excitement.

"Ooh! Informational travel pamphlets." Candy presses the pamphlets to her cheeks. "I want to read them all and gain their travel knowledge."

"Kid, those useless pamphlets have never helped a single person. The only wrinkly old travel guide you'll need is me. Now look alive! We're coming up on an attraction run by the most black-hearted proprietor in all of Oregon." Stan informs.

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