Chapter 2: Scuttlebutt Island

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Why is the goat staring at me?" I ask Dipper. That weird yellow eyed goat has been staring at me like it is looking into my soul for a while now. It just keeps gnawing on the same tin can.

"I don't know, but when Mabel and I arrived here. It was on my bed. Come to think of it. He was also behind me when I found the journal. I don't know what if going through that stupid goat's head but I think he knows something about me." He replies. "Come on let's get inside and watch Duck-tetive." He says.

"Ok." She agrees and we both walk in. Dipper and I sit on the couch while Mabel is on the floor. He pulls out his journal. I still want to know more about the Mer. (I did not come up with the name. @AshleyTonyOrtiz, I just change what the creature was so it won't be too freaky.) All I got from the small glimpse I got when Dipper showed me the book was that the author wrote that it has the personality of a mermaid, but the powers of a siren. He/She also wrote in red ink, at least I hope it is ink, 'watch out during the full moon.' I really want to check this page out, but Dipper has it with him 24/7.

Dipper's P.O.V.

Mabel and (Y/n) are watching Duck-tective while I am looking at the journal again. I find myself looking at the page with a Siren. I look over at (Y/n) then quickly look back to the book before she sees me. 'Hmm....I wonder. Let's see 'Properties of a Siren: hair soft as seaweed, voice silky as a jellyfish, and hates to be near water. ' What is with the weird analogies?' I look over at her again then at the T.V 'Could she be a Siren. No what am I thinking she has to have a tail to be one.' I think. At about that time a sudden movement from (Y/n) startles me. I look over to see that she has fallen asleep and her head was on my shoulder. 'Now is the perfect time to test my theory.' I think. I am just about to pet her hair when Mabel looks over her shoulder and asks. "Whacha doing bro-bro?"

"Uhh......I......umm *sigh* I was seeing if she was a siren." I couldn't think of anything to make up.

"Are you serious?!" She whisper/yell. "Ugh this is Norman all over again. You think everyone we meet is some sort of mythical creature."

"At least this time I am testing out my theory this time." I tell her.

"Whatever just don't tell her anything about your dumb theory." She says as she turns back to the T.V

"Wasn't planning on it." I reply to myself. I go to pet her hair again. And sure enough it was really soft. 'Well there is that. She has two of the three properties.' I think as I fall asleep. My last thought is 'Did I just fall for a Siren?'

(Y/n)'S P.O.V
I am watching Duck-tective with Mabel while Dipper is reading his journal again. I keep glancing at the book but he has it on another page. I try to get my mind off of it by watching the semi-aquatic Sherlock. I keep feeling like someone is looking at me but it only lasts for a second at a time. After about half an episode, I think, my eyes start to get heavy. 'Just a few minutes won't hurt' I think. I close my eyes and lean onto something. The moment my head touches the surface, I fall asleep.

I open my eyes and I see my old house in (h/t). I see myself with my (f/c) with (2f/c) poka-dot suitcase. 'I remember this' I think. I see Mom and Dad, with their suitcases, come outside and pack them in the trunk along with mine. "So what are we gonna do in California this year?" My younger, by a few months, self asks.

"Well we gonna go to the beach and go shopping." My mother replies.

"Ok just gotta get one more thing." She tell them and quickly runs inside. She comes back out after a few minutes with a (f/c) backpack. I can hear the jingling of the change from the other side of the street.

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