Chapter 20: Hiding Spot?

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Dipper's P.O.V

"It's been over an hour Mabel. I just want to know where she is." I tell my sister.

"Bro-bro calm down, it's only been about ten minutes. She was really banged up after the fight. She just needs more time." She tries to explain, but I am too paranoid, and busy staring out the gift shop window, to listen.

I am just about ready to dart into the woods to find her, when the bushes in front of me rustle and (Y/n) staggers out into the open. "Oh my gosh, (Y/n)!" I rush out the door and over to her helping her inside. "What happened to you?" I ask.

"I ran into the agents in the woods, got shot with a tranq dart by them too."

"WHAT? I thought they were taken into the woods by the zombies." I flinch when Dipper mentions the walkers.

"Yeah but, listen Dipper, we have to be watching our backs for a while. The agents said that they need to bring in the big guns." I tell him.

"Come on (Y/n). You were injured. I mean seriously you were limping when you left, plus were shot with a sedative. You still don't look too well. You could have imagined the whole thing." My eyes widen when he says that.

"Are you serious? You think I'm crazy, don't you?" I ask, my expression somber.

"No, it's not that. I just think you were a little light headed from the battle that...well...uh-"

"Exactly you don't have anything else to say except that I'm nuts. Fine, I'll forget all about it." I tell him as I walk up the stairs to the attic. I stop at the top and turn my head so I am staring at him. "I thought you of all people would understand." I turn back around and walk into the attic. I can't believe that Dipper doesn't believe me. After a while the door opens, "What do you w-" I angrily growl, turning toward the door. "Oh, Mabel hey, sorry about that. I am pretty mad at Dipper right now." I tell her.

"It's okay, I heard the conversation. Wendy ask me to tell you she invited you and Dipper to watch movie night at her house tomorrow." She says.

"Uh thanks, I don't know if I'll go because of the fight Dipper and I had."

"Dipper will forget about it by tomorrow, I promise." She says.

"He does tend to do that a lot, doesn't he?" I joke laughing a little.

"Yeah, and there's the smile I wanted. I am so glad you are my sis-sis."

"Aw thanks. I'm glad that Stan welcomed me into the family with open arms. For some reason, it's like I remind him of himself when he was younger."

~Time skip to tomorrow night~

Knock knock

"Come in." I open the door to see Wendy and Dipper already fixing popcorn for tonight.

"Hey Wendy, Dipper." I say waving at them.

"Hey girl, didn't think you were gonna show." Wendy says.

"Because of yesterday? No way. I wouldn't miss movie night for the world." I tell them.

"Come on you two it's almost time." Dipper says as he takes the popcorn bowl up to the bedroom. Wendy and I both laugh at him and head up there as well.

"What do we do, Chadley? I thought they were dead!" Trixandra cries out with sucky acting.

"Far worse Trixandra! They're...Nearly Almost Dead But Not Quite!" Chadley yells.

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