Chapter 14: Switching

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Dipper's P.O.V

When we arrive back at the Shack, I drag (Y/n) upstairs.

"Ok, do you mind answering questions and telling about how you became a Mer?" I ask.

"Sure. So, it started when I went to California during Spring Break....." She starts her story. As she tells me everything that happen to her, I am writing everything down in a notebook, not the journal, yet.

"Ok so Mermando, the merman I saw yesterday, he was the one who pretty much transformed you?" I ask trying to comprehend everything.

"No, well not really. I saw Mermando swimming in the ocean, but I thought he was a dolphin. So I went and followed it. I realized it was not a dolphin when I got closer and noticed his green scales. By this time, I was too far from the hotel and it was getting dark. I decided to find a cave near the shore. I asked Mermando to help me, since I thought he lived here. He led me to a cave about a block's length away. It happened to be a full moon that nig-"

"Wait it was a normal full moon?"

I ask trying to keep up with her story.

"...........No it wasn't. Thank you for asking. It was a Blue Super Blood Moon." She answers. (Yes, I thought of it before Jan. 2018)

"A what?" I ask curiously.

"A Blue Super Blood Moon. It is a rare occurrence when there happens to be a second full moon in the month, and it is the closet to Earth, and there is a lunar eclipse. It apparently happens every 1 thousand years." She explains.

"Whoa so do you know what the different types of moons do to merpeople?" I ask.

"Ok so a normal full moon can, of course, transform a person, who is in a special cave, into a merperson; give the merpeople their powers; make merpeople's go haywire." She says stopping periodical so I can write it all down. I nod showing that she can continue. "A Harvest moon, for some reason, makes merpeople tails pop and don't change back for 24 hours."

"Wait what makes the Harvest moon different?" I ask.

"She shrugs, "I honestly don't know but that is what two girls said, when I went to this weird bookstore."

"There are others?!" I ask shocked.

"Well I am the only Mer that I know of. The owners of the bookstore are mermaids. They were swimming and found me in the cave, asleep." She informs. Before I can ask anymore questions, Mabel comes in.

"Hey, you ready for Attic Stuff Mini-golf!" She yells.

"It's really that late." I say looking at the window.

"Yeah, Dipper, I spent like three hours explaining everything." (Y/n) informs.

"Alright fine. Let's play." I say putting down the notepad and grabbing the putters and eyeballs.

~Tiny time skip~

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"Hwaah! Total domination! I am master of Attic Stuff Mini-golf! Form the mighty Swiss Alps! TO the badlands of Dipper's old Laundry where man fears to tread!" Mabel shouts out.

"Nice shot." I say. I am not really good at mini-golf, but at least I am trying.

"Alright, let a pro on the field, or floor. Whatever." Dipper says as he walks up to the peg. He pulls his putters back really far.

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