Chapter 25: Laser Tag

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Third Person's P.O.V

It's the year 207̃12, and a breakout has occurred at the Infinetentiary. A cloaked man is running down the street with two time Paradox Avoidance Enforcement Squadron (TPAES) operatives chasing after him.

"Halt!" a deep voice yells out as a spot light shines over the cloaked man for a second, before he races off again.

"I've got to hand it to this perp, no one's broken out of the Infinitentairy before." Dundgren says.

"He's either the bravest time convict I've ever seen, or the dumbest. Lolph adds in. the perp runs into a wall, "Ow!" The man stumbles into barrels and falls over causing his face to reveal Blendin. "Oh! My time-knee! Oh, time-dang it!"

"Definitely the dumbest." Dundgren says as they catch up to Blendin.

"Freeze! You're surrounded by the TPAES. Anything you say can and has already been used against you in future court."

"This is it Blendin. End of the timeline. Any last words?" Dundgren calls out as he holds up futuristic hand cuffs.

Uh-uh-uh-uh-I-I-I-I...I INVOKE GLOBNAR!" Blendin yells. The crowd aroundthem start muttering about Globnar.

"Very well, speak the name and century of those accused." Dundgren says pulling out a time-pad.

"The two kids that ruined my life: Dipper and Mabel Pines. 21st Century." Blendin answers. The officer searches on his tablet, finding a clip of Dipper and Mabel hitting each other with baseball bats and laughing. The live feed video is sent to every screen around them, with the words, 'GLOBNAR TRIBUTES' over it.

"So be it. May the Time baby have mercy on their souls." Lolph says grimly.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

The twins and I are standing in front of the vending machine at the Mystery Shack. I insert the coin as Dipper puts in the code '22C' a snack called 'Yumber Jacks' starts to come up.

"Candy! Candy! Candy!" We all chant. Our happiness ended when the snack bag gets caught on the glass.

"AHHHHHH!" I scream.

"No! It's trapped!" Dipper yells.

"Everything is terrible forever!" Mabel screech. Honestly, she kinda overly acted that, but I can understand, that girl loves her snacks.

"Psst. Hey, dudes! You wanna know a trick?" Soos says, coming up to us. He hits the vending machine with his hands then his elbow, saying, "Bibbity-boop. Wow!" as he does. The machine pops open. "A genius taught me that once." He grabs a hand full of snacks for us. "This just in: weather stations are calling for a candy blizzard!" he throws the bags in the air and we all catch the candy in out hands. I look towards the twins, then back to Soos.

"Thanks, Soos." I tell him.

"Forget taking off the wrappers! I'm eating these now!" Mabel yells as she stuffs the candy in her hand straight to her mouth.

"Yeah, thanks Soos, you are the greatest human ever to live." Dipper adds to my comment.

"Agh! Oh!" Mabel starts to 'choke' on her candy. "That was a mistake!" She collaspes.

"Hey, no sweat, dude, and dudette." Soos replies putting money in the machine. "I'd do anything for the Pines' family."

"Soos! I need to scratch myself in two places at once!" Stan yells from somewhere else in the Shack.

"And I mean anything! Coming Mr. Pines!" He walks away.

"Hey, Dipper, look. Soos left his wallet." I say as Mabel continues to hack up the candy in the background.

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