Chapter 9: Size Doesn't Matter

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Gideon's P.O.V

I am reading out of the journal for a way to get back at the Pines' twins and (Y/n)

"Zombie attack? Never works, they don't take orders. Blood rain? Ew, mess up my suit, no thank you. Demon Caterpillars? DRAT!" I shut the book. "There must be a perfect way to exact vengeance on the Pines family. It's not enough to harm 'em, I need to take somethin' from them. Somethin' that'll give me ultimate power. Wait, of course!" I'll pick up my model of the Mystery Shack. "It's perfect..."

Dipper's P.O.V

"You've gone too far this time, Duck-tective!" The Constable yells at the semiaquatic Sherlock.

"Quack, quack, quack quack quack quack." Duck-tective replies.

Mabel, (Y/n) Grunkle Stan and I were watching TV when the doorbell rings. "Welcome to a world of mystery!" Stan yells his opening line.

"Stan Pines?" A deep voice says.

"The tax collector! You found me!" He throws a smoke bomb at the ground to distract the man, then runs inside and rips off a decoration, revealing a bag with money in it. He then searches the tiles of the wall. "Aah...uh...which one of these is the trap door?"

"Mister Pines. I'm from the Winning Coupon Savers contest, and you are our BIIIIII WINNER!" The man yells. A camera man comes in along with two women holding a check for $10,000,000.

"Huh? My one and only dream, which was to possess money, has finally come true!" Stan says.

"We're rich! I'm gonna get a butler!" I yell.

"I'm gonna buy a talking horse!" Mabel chimes in.

"I'm gonna buy a lake condo." (Y/n) adds. I look at her in confusion. 'Why would she want a house on the lake if she is afraid of water?'

"Dipper, why are you staring at (Y/n) like that?" My sister asks.

"No reason." I lie.

"Just sign here for the money." The man says.

"You bet!" Stan yells, as he signs.

Suddenly Gideon rips through the check. "Ha! Stanford you fool. You just sign the Mystery Shack to lil' ol' me!" He starts dancing and singing. We all gas, well except for Stan.

"Uh might wanna take another look there!" Stan says smugly.

"The shack is hereby signed over to.....'SUCK A LEMON LITTLE MAN'?!" Gideon reads from the paper. Stan starts laugh, while we giggle. Gideon rips up the paper, "How dare you!" Us kids, start to burst out laughing. "I am not a treat to be taken lightly. Gideon reaches for the man, "Come here hon', I need your arms." Than man lifts up the ten-year-old. "I'll get you, Stanford Pines! I'L GET YOU ALL!" The man carries him out.

"Wanna see what else is on TV?" Stan asks.

"My favorite part's the theme song." Mabel says.

"I know right. They totally get stuck in your head." (Y/n) adds in as we walk into the living room.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Mabel and Dipper were placing chess while I was helping Soos clean up.

"Little guy to black space nine!" I hear Mabel call out. 'How many games has it been now? 84? 86? And she still doesn't know how to play?'

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