Chapter 12: (Y/n)'s Story

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Blue Moon Madness

Third Person's P.O.V

(Y/n) walked back into the house and went up to Danni.

"Hey where did you go?" Danni said smiling.

"What are you happy about, air breather?" (Y/n) yelled.

"What is the matter with you?" Daniel asked as he got up from the chair.

"Nothing is the matter with me." (Y/n) said, her voice turning into a high-pitch screech.

"Wait did you see the moon?" Breana asked suddenly jumping out of the other chair. She looked at (Y/n) and violently waved her hand in front of her friend. (Y/n) suddenly grabbed Breana's hand and flipped her on her back.

"Ugh you did see the moon." She barely said due to all of the air getting knocked out of her. "Daniel please go and get rope."

"Got it." Daniel said as he ran into the garage with his head down.

"What are you doing?" (Y/n) said still in a high-pitch screech.

"What we have to." Breana responded as she got up, and as Daniel came back and tied up (Y/n).

"Ok what is going on? I thought that this was just a normal full moon" Danni said turning to Breana.

"Yeah I'd like too." Daniel inquired as he tightened the rope.

"Ok, (Y/n) told me not to tell either of you, but a few days ago when (Y/n) and I planned this she told me, that if one of us looks at the moon tonight then the sirens can change us to their side." Breana informed the Robinsons.

"What?! (Y/n) is now a siren!" Danni yelled. "How do we change her back?"

"I don't know, she never told me." Breana sacredly said.

"Maybe we need to bring her to the cave." Daniel replied.

"That could work except that we can't go outside or risk turning into that." Breana said as she pointed towards (Y/n), who was struggling to get free.

"Wait this could get work. All we need to do is cover up and go out into the back yard and head to the pond." Danni said.

"And how in Poseidon is a pond supposed to help us." Daniel asked his sister.

"Well the full moon a few years back, (Y/n) and I went up to the cave and on the way back we found a transporter that took us to (Y/n)'s pond." Danni informed them.

"Ok that is good enough for me." Daniel said. Breana walked into (Y/n)'s room and grabbed anything that will cover them.

"Here take these and we'll go out to the pond." They all grab the blankets and Daniel grabbed (Y/n), who again was squirming, and headed outside. They all walked into the pond one at a time and came out of the pool up on the mountain.

"That is awesome. We can go anywhere in the world that is near water." Daniel said.

"Ok first things first we have to take care of (Y/n)." Danni inferred. They ran down the trail dragging (Y/n) along.

"Ok so we have to get her to be calm so we can figure out what to do?" Breana said.

"And how do we go by doing that?" Daniel asked.

"I say we put her in the moonlight." Danni said.

"Worth a try." Breana agreed. They moved her toward the moon's rays making sure that they didn't see the moon in the process. At the slightest touch (Y/n) fell limp in her friend's arms. They move back of the cave, and gathered around her to think. During the conversation, however, Danni fell asleep.

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