Chapter 8: Video Games Aren't Always Fun

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Hey guys I'm back from the dead, jk not really, but I am back. Sorry for the long algae wait. Since I graduated my parents want me to get a job so that is been going on. Summer has started and I've got a lot of stuff to do, and also I just started a church group that only every week so it may take a little while for me to update my book now. No I have not forgotten about it so enjoy the chapter.

(Y/n)'s P.O.V

Soos is showing us the Gravity Falls Arcade. "This is it dudes, my favorite place in Gravity Falls. Everything I know, I learned right here. A frog taught me how to cross a street." He points to a 'Frogger' game. "When my house was haunted, I learned how to eat ghosts." Then he points to 'Pac-Man' "And this thing taught me how to dance." He points to an out of order dancing machine that the weird old man that I met at GF Lake was dancing at. 'What was his name again, McSuckit, no McNugget, wait I know McGucket.' I got pulled from my thoughts when I heard a growl.

"Hey (Y/n), are you ok?" Dipper asks.

"Come on let's play a game." He says putting his hand in mine and pulling me, lightly, to a game called 'Fight Fighters'. There were only two player per game/round. Wendy was already setting up for a game. Dipper and I ran up.

"Wendy can (Y/n) and I play?" Dipper asks.

"It's ok Dipper, I can play round two with you." I tell him.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

"Yeah, that way you can play with both of us." I tell him. Dipper puts in a coin a starts to play with Wendy.

"Oh, oh, oh." They both say at different times.

"Watch out! Wow! Ooh, cutscene!" Dipper yells out.

"DR. KARATE, YOU KILLED MY FATHER!" Dipper's character yells.

"HHNNGHHHH!!!!!!!" 'Dr. Karate' yells.


"Fight." The game announcer says. Dipper and Wendy start to use the fight moves to attack the opponent.

"Yeah! Yeah! Yeah! Go! Go!" Dipper yells.

"K.O! The Winner: Rumble Mcskirmish!" The game announcer says. 'So that is his name.'

"WINNERS DON'T LOSE!" Rumble says as he does a peace sign on the screen.

"What? You cheated." Wendy jokingly says.

"YOU TAKE THAT BAAACK!!!!!!!!!" Dipper yells trying to imitate Rumble. I giggle at his attempt.

"Round two!" The game announcer.

"Here (Y/n) you can take over now." Wendy says stepping out of the way so I could step up to the controller.

"Thanks Wendy." I reply. "I am gonna punch the ref."

"Fight." The game announce once again says.

"Let's gang up on him." Dipper agrees. We start using all the moves we can that won't end up hitting each other. I start hearing the sound of staples going into the wall.

"Do you hear that, Dipper?" I ask.

"No, what?" He asks. 'Oh right he may not have to heighten sense of hearing like I do.' I think. While still playing the game I tune into my hearing and smelling to notice that Robbie was stapling a flyer to the wall. The stapling stops, but the smell of body spray was getting stronger.

I sigh and then say, "What do you want Robbie?"

Dipper puts the game on pause (I know that is not possible, but it is in this story) and turns around, then looks at me. "How did you know that he was behind us?"

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