Chapter 35: Oddpocalypse pt. 1

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Warning there will be multiple P.O.V changes in this chapter.

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"Oh, it's happening. It's finally, finally happening!" I continue laughing as muscle fibers cover me. "Physical form? Don't mind if I DO!" I'm encased in a metal pyramid and vanish from the sky. Appear, invisible, next to the unconscious girls.

"Huh?! What just happened?" My temporary mean suit asks, confused. I levitate Shooting Star and Fishtail, locking the former into a bubble with her symbol on it. The latter being moved over closer to me. "Oh. Oh man. This is bad!" The male tries to stop Fishtail but comes up short. "This is really bad! Guys, we've got a situation!" He yells into his watch; pushing a button on it, causing him to disappear. I transport the bubble to the floating cliffs, as Fishtail reaches my awaiting hand.

As soon as she reaches me, I teleport to downtown Gravity Falls.

"ALRIGHT, LISTEN YOU ONE LIFESPAN, THREE-DIMENSIONAL, FIVE SENSE SKIN PUPPPETS! For one trillion years I've been trapped in my own decaying dimension waiting for a new universe to call my own. Name's Bill! But you can call me your new lord and master for all of eternity, and my queen, (Y/N)!" I yell before melting a statue of their former ruler. "Now meet the gang of interdimensional criminals and nightmares, I call my friends." I call them out as they come out of the rift. "8-Ball! Kyptos! The being whose name must never be said! Haha, what the heck. It's Zanthar. Then of course there's also Teeth, Keyhole, Hectrogon, Amorphous Shape, Pyronica, Paci-fire, and these guys. This is our town now, boys!" We all laugh at their misfortune.

"Now see here, you unholy triangle fella. As mayor, I strongly urge you to git...git on out of here."

"Yeah! Things with one eye are weird!" 'Says the woman with one working eye.'

"We don't like out of towners." 'Says the girl whose best friend is from out of state.'

"We punch things that we don't understand."

"I would just say that as a rich capitalist I welcome your tyrannical rule. Perhaps I could be one of your, uh...horsemen of the apocalypse?" Preston Northwest announces.

"Dad!" The fake blonde screams in shock.

"Not now, sweetie, the grown-ups are talking."

"Oh, wow, that's a great offer. How 'bout instead I shuffle the functions of every hole in your face?" I yell before shooting a ray out of my finger to his face. His ears are on where his eyes should be, his nose is on the side of his face, and one eye is in his mouth. Preston falls over, screaming as his family watches in horror. I laugh as the people run away, and the deputy is turn to stone by and eye bat.

"Durland! My precious Deputy Durland. No!' Sheriff Blubs yells out, holding onto his love, before the eye-bat takes him away.

"It's time we do a little redecorating. I could really use a castle of some kind." I raise a pyramid into the sky. "And how about some bubbles of PURE MADNESS!" Colorful bubbles appear and one passes through Sprott, the weird farmer, who rips off his shirt and screams insanely. "This party never stops. Time is dead and meaning has no meaning. Existence is upside-down and I reign supreme. WELCOME ONE AND ALL, TO WEIRDMAGEDDON!"

Dipper's P.O.V

"So, this is how the world ends. Not with a bang but with a...boop-boop." (I am always going to use this answer with that CAH black card.) Ford says in shock, turning his pointer finger around his ear.

"Weirdmageddon." I mumble. Birds caw and fly over us, with multiple animals following. I end up getting knocked over by a deer in the process.

"Move it, stretch." A gnome yells at me.

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