Chapter 10: Halloween's New Date

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(Y/n)'s P.O.V

"Thank you for finally resizing us." I tell Dipper and Mabel, as we are in the car heading to some store.

"Yeah sorry, it took a long time to find the shards were scattered around the shack and it too even longer to put it back together." Dipper replies, rubbing the nape of his neck with his hand.

"Just be glad that I had some doll clothes for you and Soos to wear." Mabel adds in.

"Yeah uhh dudette, the Ken clothes are not gonna be able to fit him now." Soos adds in.

Before the conversation could get anymore weirder, Stan says, "Here we are, the Summerween Superstore."

"Wait, Summer-what?" Dipper and I ask at the same time. We look at each other and smile.

"Summerween!" Stan pulls out a calendar from who knows where, "The people of this town love Halloween so much that they celebrate it twice a year. And wouldn't you know it, it's today!"

"Do you always carry that calendar in your pocket?" Dipper asks.

Stan waits a minute and looks off to the side and says, 'yes'. 'Hmm for some reason I don't trust him a lot but he is the only one who is willing to look after me.' I think.

"Summerween? Something about this feels unnatural." Mabel says.

"There's free candy!" Soos says coming up from behind us. We all look at each other.

"TO THE COSTUME AISLE!" The twins and I yell.

After a while Mabel and I are in a wheelbarrow being pushes by my boyfriend, knocking over everything in our path. We end up landing in a pile of jack o' melons.

"Uh-oh. I this, this one's leaking!" Stan says while holding container of fake blood.

"Have the police come and eject the Pines family from the store." The store worker says over a walkie talkie.

"NOT TODAY!" Stan yells tossing a smoke bomb.

"MY EYES!" The lady yells. While she is rubbing her eyes, we all ran out, well all of us except Mabel; she was being pushed by her bother in the wheelbarrow.

"You paid for the stuff, right?" The older, and taller, of the twins ask.

"Of course!" Stan replies. We get into the car. He backs into an electrical pole, which fell onto an inflatable jack o' melon. "Let's move!" The car switches direction and drives away.

~Time skip till we get to the Shack~

Mabel, Dipper and I are sitting on the floor in the living room, with Soos sitting in the chair. "I'm so excited!" Mabel yells.

"We're gonna have the best costumes best get the most candy..." Dipper starts.

"And have the biggest stomachaches ever!" I finish.

"Yeah!" "Haha, yeah!" Dipper and Mabel yell. We all high-five.

"Dude, I've never seen you guys so pumped."

"Well back home, me and Dipper were kinda the kings and queens of Trick or Treating." Mabel pulls out a memory book of them in costumes, like cute cats at 3-years-old, salt & pepper in 3rd grade, and ZOMBIES!!! In 6th grade. "Twins in costumes, the people eat it up."

"Well you may have been royalty for the west coast, but I was royalty for the bread basket states." (Sorry but I chose this region due to it is in the middle of the US. If you live somewhere else just use your section name. Ex: Arkansas will be Dixie section.) I inform.

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