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To someone I loved,

Have you ever lied? I'm assuming yes, you have due to the fact part of our world is built upon lies. Even if I was a small lie that might not have seemed like an issue is a lie. It wasn't the whole truth, possibly only partially true. I know I have lied to many people. As I've said before, not all were huge lies. Some were the simple white lies found in everyday life. The majority of my lies were when I was telling people that I was okay and that I had everything under control. I was only trying to simplify the problem for them. It only left a larger weight on my shoulders to carry around. 

So have you ever carried the weight of the world on your shoulders? Was it because you refused to tell the truth and let a simple lie slip out of your mouth? It's not easy to lie to those who always speak the truth to you. It might not be easy for you, but for me, I can easily lie to anyone and they would never know. I've never considered myself to be an average actress, but I've been acting all my life. I act like I can't lie so that people who truly know me never believe I would lie. My lies are never meant to hurt anyone.

I remember one day I stared straight into someone's eyes and lied right to her face. It wasn't any regular person though. It was someone who trusted me more than anyone ever could. And when she asked me an important question, I lied right to her face. She believed my lie but seemed skeptical at first. To this day, she still believes that lie I told her.

I've lied to many people, and I know it was wrong. Not all the false words that left my mouth were necessary, but they escaped my lips anyways. If I could rewind and prevent those lies from ever getting out, I would. Believe me, I would but what's done is done. I can't take back what I said. So please learn from the mistake I made from lying to so many people. It may seem like old advice, but it will play a huge role later on. I beg you to think before you speak. You shouldn't ever regret anything you say. There may be guilt eating you up, but it's different from the feeling of regret. Don't regret your words even though they may come with a heavy price. As anyone could say, think before you speak.

With love,

someone who lied to everyone

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