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To someone I loved,

I saw an image that said, "If you were handed a book and you realized it were a book written about your entire life, would you read it until the end?" It's one of those images that make a mark on your mind so you don't forget as easily. It truly makes you question and wonder what you would actually do. By finishing the story, you'll know what will happen to you in the future and either want I changed or be satisfied. Either way, you'll know what happened and never be in for a surprise. On the other hand, by not reading the story, you will be left wondering if you'll live up to the potential the story had written for you. The mystery can eat at your insides the same way guilt can devour you.

It would be interesting to see who would choose what option. Those who say yes to finishing the story may be the ones who can't wait to hear the ending while the ones who reject the offer may be the ones can hold in their anticipation. My mind has also brought in the thought of what my friends would do, what my family would do, and what you would do. What choice would you make?

For me, I'll be the one who chooses not to finish the story. I don't want to read how my love life will end. I don't want to hear how all my friendships end. I don't want to know how I'll die and whether or not I'll be happy then.

It would be difficult to move on after reading the story. In my opinion, if you read your story, you'll be restricted to what you've read. Because you know what will happen, you may want to change your story or live in fear of what the story had in store for you. As much as I want to find out how the story of us ends, it would put the rest of my life at risk for being restricted to one path. I want to be able to live a life with the ability to keep pushing forward. A book that shares your life story is only going to slow you down and place a limit on what you believe you can do. If you were ever given this choice, don't say yes. Be the person who rejects the offer and grows into something the book might not have written for you. Write your own story for the book doesn't know what you are truly capable of.

With love,

someone who wouldn't read the ending

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