SPECIAL: the ending

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To someone I loved,

You are no longer the one I hold dear to my heart. I did leave the town to start over and to distance myself from you. Because of you, I ran away from the issues close to home. My attempts to forget about you were futile; however, I did not want to completely erase the memory of you from my past. Although you may have been oblivious to the pain you caused, I learned to move past those days. Because of you, I found someone new, someone who did not play mind games with me. While I am physically far away from our small hometown, my heart will always be there, as I gave my heart entirely to my love. He is like you in some ways, but you are not the same, and my feelings for you will never be the same again. 

A broken heart cannot heal at the hands of the one who broke it in the first place. I found the lost pieces of myself in him, and I hope you find yourself too. I do not know what became of you; therefore, I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors, and as I have done for you, I hope you will one day find the words to say "I love you" to whomever your heart truly belongs to.

With love,

Not your true love

+ + +

a/n: This is the end of the story as far as I'm aware. If this was confusing, in this part, it switched back to the girl writing to the boy. 

For those who are wondering what happened in the story afterwards: 

The girl in the first part of the book moved on from this boy and realized she did not love him; she only believed she was in love because it was more convenient for her to call it love than try to decipher what it really was. After the boy ignored her for the extended period of time, her love for him slowly faded until one day, something inside her clicked, and she threw out the idea of loving him. 

After one negative experience with a crush, she vowed to keep all thoughts of finding love in the back of her mind and to focus on rebuilding her friendships. However, one of her friendships was with a different boy whom she grew extremely close to over time. They seemed to be attached at the hip, and her other friends supported this relationship. Not long after, the girl said goodbye to her life in her hometown, packed her bags, and moved across the state. She did not bother to tell the original crush about leaving until her final day when she handed him a sealed envelope with a letter asking why things ended the way that they did. 

The boy read this letter but did not write back in return. The letter would sit on his desk; his eyes would reread her words over and over again. He stayed in the hometown, deciding to toss love out the window until someone would bring it back in, and soon someone else would.

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