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To someone I loved,

It's strange to realize how one choice you made could've changed the course of your entire life. If I had made a different choice at any given point in my life, my entire future could've been changed. If there was something I did wrong, it might create even more wrongs I wish to correct. If I changed anything in the past, it's possible that I would never end up meeting you.

There was a story I read once. It was about a girl who went back in time to save thousands of lives from a large disaster. In doing so, she fractured the time line. While the people may have been saved, she stopped her parents from reconnecting, which caused her baby sister not to be born. In this situation, the thousands of lives resemble all the mistakes I've ever made. You are represented by the baby sister, although I don't think of you as a family member. If I corrected all my mistakes in the past, I could ruin the chance of ever meeting you.

What really puzzles me is how many people would take this risk. How many people would fix their mistakes and possibly lose someone important to them? How many people would take this option, and how many would decline it? I assume many people wouldn't correct all their wrongdoings at the cost of possibly losing their special someone. I wonder what you would've chosen. Am I the special someone who you would be afraid to lose? Or am I the reason you want to right your wrongs?

I've tried to imagine life without you. I've realized you're the reason why my days were filled with interesting and exciting events. You have brought so much into my life that is irreplaceable. There's no way I would still be the person I am today without your influence. So I can't imagine life without you. And it's not the way a girl can't live without her best friend. It's more than that, and that's about how much I care for you. Do I need to keep reminding you of how you've played a significant role in the past year? I believe you've had enough reminders.

The world is a place where anything could happen. Given the chance to back in time, I wouldn't take it because that would risk the relationship I have with you, possibly erasing all the feelings I have for you. And without you, I don't know what I would do or where I would be.

With love,

someone who wouldn't change the past

To Whom My Heart Belongs To [original]Where stories live. Discover now