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To someone I loved,

I choose to believe that everyone in this world is a star. They might not be the kind of star that has fame and fortune, but they are the stars shining in the night sky. Each star represents one person. The sky represents the blank canvas of the world that is to be covered in shining stars.

Stars vary in size and shape. Not everyone is a medium-sized, five-pointed star with a light shining to its brightest potential. I've seen so many different stars in the short time I've lived. Many have stayed close to me while others have traveled great distances away. There are small stars and big stars. There are brightly illuminating stars and ones that don't shine as brightly. I haven't gotten the chance to see which star I am, but I know I'm up there in the sky.

And then I saw your star among the others. Your star was shining brighter than those around you. It was nothing I had ever seen before. I seemed to be drawn to you, but I held myself down. From a distance, you were still illuminating the sky. And from the distance, I could see you slowly making your way across the night sky. That's when I tried to chase you. Although I couldn't catch up to you, I continued running after you with you oblivious to my chasing.

I knew I had to let you go. There was no possible chance of me ever catching up to you. Even if I did, I would never be able to maintain your speed. I guess what happened was that I became emotionally attached to you before I could get to know you better. So when you sped ahead, I was broken. And again, I still tried to chase you.

Now that I reconsider this thought, what if the stars aren't the people but the emotions we have? What if that star I assumed resembled you was actually the emotions I had for you? My feelings towards you were most definitely strong which would explain why the star was shining brighter than most. It wasn't a straightforward path that my emotions when on which would explain the running. I wasn't chasing you. So during those days, I was trying to catch and hold onto my feelings I had for you. I know what I saw, but I can't figure out what it resembles. But shooting stars are already dead. Does this mean my feelings for you are dying?

With love,

someone who saw a shooting star

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