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Dedicated to dharaloreta8 for being the first to comment and vote after a long wait for this second part

To the one I loved,

It's been a while since I first found your letters. In fact, it will be nearly six months in a few weeks. I never imagined I would write back to you, but this is exactly what I'm doing now. I don't know what to expect from this; I have no intentions of you ever reading these since you are no longer a part of my life.

Despite your plans to leave this town, I do not believe you ever carried out that idea. I heard these rumors spreading around, and a part of me was afraid I would never see you again. Nevertheless, I caught glimpses of you every so often when wandering the streets, but perhaps I was only imagining you.

While you experienced so many emotions towards me, I hate to admit that I could not return all those feelings for you. There's a few things you should know, but now might not be a good time to say. I was never purposefully avoiding you; I was only handling the situations I had on my plate.

Everyone has to deal with obstacles every single day. Your troubles are not mine, and my troubles are not yours. I will never be able to fully understand what you have gone through. So I'm sorry for any suffering you went through because of me. I apologize for creating a mess in your life, and I hope you will be able to clean up the remnants I left behind.

In order for the story to make sense to you, I want to start over. At the very least, I want to start from the beginning. This was before we met, about one year before; however, it was two years before I got to know you.

We begin in late 2013. Life was simple then. Complex situations had not become a major part in my life yet. All my questions had straight-forward answers, and all the answers I received had no hidden messages. Oh how I wish thing could have remained that simple.

As a new year approached, I began drifting from a few of my closest friends, but they did not stray far. More weight fell on me, but I balanced them with caution. Those friends I was losing touch with came to help me, and I survived. They pulled me through the year, which brought me to meeting you.

We didn't talk that first year, but yes, I noticed you then. There were things I wanted to leave behind during that time period, but they just wouldn't let go. Part of me kept an eye out for you; I hadn't seen you before, and you were intriguing. If I had known you felt as though you were cracking under pressure, I would have run to help you. I would have given you the support you needed; I would have saved you from drowning.

But I didn't know you then, and I regret not starting a conversation that could have led to something more.

Forever and always,

The one who would carry you home

To Whom My Heart Belongs To [original]Where stories live. Discover now