Chapter 1

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"Ellie, dear it's time to wake up. You start your first day of school today. How exiting!" my mom's firm hand shook my shoulder. I groaned and rolled over on my stomach facing away from her.

"It's not exciting." I said my voice muffled by my pillow.

"C'mon Ellie, that's enough wake up." She said her tone more stern as she pulled away the sheets, the cool breeze hitting against my exposed legs.

I sat up my mom gave a satisfying noise and walked out of my room. It was her fault that we had to move across the ocean from sunny California to gloomy Doncaster, England. It was because my parents work for doctors without borders so who knows how long we are staying here we stayed in California for nine years and before that we stayed in South Africa for three, basically my whole life I've been moved around multiple times that you tend to get used to having no friends.

I got up out of bed stretching my legs and shuffled to my closet rubbing my eyes we arrived her last week and I'm still not used to the time zone. I grabbed some jeans and a nice grey sweater and then slipped into some tan boots. I brushed my teeth and washed my face grabbed my bag and phone off my desk and walked down stairs the smell of freshly cooked pancakes wafting through the air. My younger sister Tatiana was sitting down at the table. Her name was coming from when we lived in Brazil when I was around four and my mother was pregnant with Tatiana and young girl came into the clinic and was severely ill, she died a few days later so my mom named my younger sister that because the young girl had such a pure soul. My father was tapping away at his phone and my mother was sitting at the table talking to my sister.

I grabbed a pancake without any butter or syrup and began to eat it, as I walked around the table I gave my dad a kiss on the cheek and hugged my mom and waved to my sister. She was excited about moving to England and she was now friends with the neighbor's son, I forget his name.

"Have a nice day!" my mom yelled as I walked out the door.

"Whatever." I grumbled as the cool wind hit my face.

I walked down the road a little with my headphones in until I reached the bus stop, the bus was already there and a few kids were getting on. I really hate buses but since we move around a lot I never really got the chance to take my driver's test. The bus was crowded and noisy as I walked down the aisle and took a seat at the very back hoping that no one would sit next to me. I looked out the window as the bus began to move in motion, the trees and house all just a blur. We stopped one more time and a few more kids came on. A girl with curly red hair stuffed under a white beanie came on the bus and I looked at her pleading that she wouldn't sit next to her. I was born and raised until I was three in Florida, and I didn't really want to talk to anyone. But sure enough she plopped down right next to me and I shifted closer to the window.

"What are you listening to?" she asked.

I flashed my phone screen at her I really didn't want to talk I hope she got that.

"Say You like Me by We the Kings, pretty good tune." nodding her head approvingly.

I just nodded my head yes and looked away, hoping that she would get a clue.

"You're new here, because I've never seen you on the bus." She said turning to face me.

I nodded my head yes not looking at her. God British people are so chatty.

"Not much of a talker eh?" she said adjusting her beanie.

I nodded my head no and gave her a weak smile.

"What's your name?" she asked.

God damn it really? Can't you just get a hint I don't want to talk?

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