Chapter 19

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No ones POV:

They laid there together her arms close to her chest and his arm wrapped protectively around her. They were peaceful together their worlds colliding at such a fast rate that they couldn't keep up with it. Every second they were apart felt like years and minutes felt like decades.

They were so wrong for eachother that they were so right. His eyes opened and he looked down at Ellie his eyes full of fondness and yet a bit of sorrow. Sorrow that he could never fully love her. He would try to love her with all his love but her love for him wouldn't match her love for him. He winced as he grabbed more pain killers and got up. The swelling in his left eye gone just a dull purple and blue. He lifted his self off the bed a few small protests escaping her lips but she then sprawled out on the bed.

He knew that she hadn't have much sleep the past few days and even though she wouldn't like it he let her sleep some more. He walked out of the room down the long hallway were Harry was sitting in the couch drinking orange juice and eating toast. He was surprised to see Louis up and walking but he motioned to the other plate he had next go him.

"She came last night. Saying she couldn't sleep but her eyes told me she just needed you." Harry mummbled as he took a sip of his drink.

"Everything I do hurts her, yet she always comes back and I'm grateful that she does. But what if she gets so fed up with me and my mistakes that she finally just leaves me." He said not caring that for the first time in years he spoke his feelings.

"Wow you have a lot on your mind." Harry said looking at Louis with a new expression.

"No shut Sherlock." Louis said his guard slowly coming back up.

"Just don't fuck up anymore." Harry shrugged getting up and getting the other plate for Niall.

Louis sighed pressing his body into the couch cushion more and laid his head back. He took a deep breath. Was it really that easy to stop. Half the time he doesn't mean to fuck up and the other half he didn't know he fucked up. He closed his eyes not wanting to think about it any longer and the sleep came to him easily.

Ellie's POV:

I woke up the dark room not giving away much time. It could be early morning or the evening. Louis wasn't laying down next to me anymore and I shot up and walked out of the room to find him sitting on the couch his legs propped up on the coffee table full of plates and cups while Niall sat in the arm chair as it was extended out.

"What time is it?" I asked walking over and sitting at the edge of the couch.

"Whoa sleeping beauty finally woke up." Louis smirked as he looked away from the match on the television.

"It's 5:30." Nial answered politely.

"Really it's that late." I answered shocked.

"Yea I didn't want to wake you. Considering I put you through so much shit these past few months I thought you would be asleep." Louis answered standing up and winced a little.

I just watched as he walked back down the hall to the restroom. I looked over at Niall scanning his leg and hs just read my mind because her gestured to it and have a slight chuckle.

"You're taking the stitches out in a few days right?"

"Yes of course. You can leave this torture chamber." I joked.

"Eh it's not that bad." he shrugged looking around.

Niall was very sweet and clean cut. I still couldn't put him and Louis as freinds. I mean I can see Harry and Louis being friends but I just can't see Niall and Louis being friends willingly and not having stuff behind it.

"So how'd you meet Louis?" I asked wanting to get my answer.

"A pub in London."

I nodded my head obviously I wasn't going to get anywhere with Niall because he seemed like the guy who wouldn't blabber anyone's secrets especially if they knew that person could actually kill him.

"Are you Louis's girlfriend?" Niall asked.

"Louis doesn't do girlfriends." I said quietly.

I really didn't know what Louis and me were. Honestly being with him was great and all but he never made it clear that he was my boyfriend. We didn't spend every waking moment together which was perfectly fine with me because Louis would defiantly get bored with me. But I didn't know if I wanted to be an offical couple with him.

I mean I do like him, I actually like him a lot. But I still didn't know if I was someone he could fall back on when he needed the cushion. I obviously had a lot on my plate and Niall asking me that question made me realize that I have a lot more to think about.

The concept of me and him together was so bad yet so good. I tried so hard for him to actually hold a conversation
with him but know it came easily almost as easily as us fighting over the little things.

Finally Louis came back and I sat next to him. I texted my parents that I will be staying over at a friends house and they both replied okay. They were probably still gushing over Scotty's girlfriend. She was so perfect never made any mistakes and goes to Oxford. She's going some where and not wasting her time lying to her parents about where she is and that she is spending time with a boy that her mom only started getting used to.

Harry bursted through the door smiling. "Hurry and get dressed we are going to a party."

We all turned and looked at him like he was crazy.

"I have bruised ribs and Niall was stabbed in the fucking leg. Do you honestly think we are going to party?" Louis said to Harry like he was a complete idiot.

"Fine let me rephrase it. We are going to get dinner with Zayn and Liam and the girls so get dressed please." Harry said closing the door and looking at me.

Considering I was the only one still in my pajamas I slid off the corner of the couch and walked back to the room at the end of the hall.

I really wasn't in the mood to going out with people I barely met before and them seeing me completely drunk and all over Harry that Louis had to pull me away.

Yea I didn't make a good first impression on them.

Sorry it's not good it's actually quite boring but it's just a filler chapter so thank you for reading and I will try to post more Sunday after I do my homework lol :))) thank you and love you!!!

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