Chapter 29

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A week has passed since me and Lou moved into the flat. So far the only thing I yelled at him about was the fact that he never throws his dirty clothes into the hamper or he is always leaving his shoes everywhere. Now I'm not a clean freak but some things just get really irritating when I have to repeat myself. I felt as though I was looking after a little kid.

Tonight was different however. I came home from my last class and usually Louis is sleeping or playing Fifa and I was place my bag and books down and grab some chips and walk over to the couch and either watch him play Fifa or start some homework. Tonight however I came home and he wasn't here. His keys were gone and the tv off with the bed made. I tried calling him but he didn't pick up so eventually I just left it alone.

But now I am getting worried. It was starting to rain a bit outside and it was close to midnight already and I was getting tired but I wanted to stay up for him to come home. I turned on the tv and started watching some re runs of Family Guy.

I was dozing off when he came stumbling in. I immediately woke up and got off the couch to see him leaning against the counter his clothes drenched from the rain. He looked up his blue eyes glaze over and a dark bruise above his eye. "Hey babe." he smiled and walked over to me embracing me in a wet and icy hug.

"Louis, what the hell?" I questioned pulling myself away from him.

"I had something's that needed to be cleared up." he responded.

I could smell the alcohol on him and I rolled my eyes,"Whatever I'm going to bed. Feel free to sleep on the couch tonight darling." I said sarcasm dripping at every word.

"Ellie!" he called as I walked to the bed and getting under the sheets. "Oh fúck."

Within a few moments I fell asleep the exhaustion washing over me as I sunk deeper into the mattress.

"Babeee" Louis cooed as I rolled over my eyes closed but he knew I was listening. "The couch is extremely uncomfortable." he complained.

"Is it?" I questioned opening an eye to look at him leaning over me.

"Look babe I'm sorry. Don't treat me like a dog and make me sleep on the couch."

"My dog wouldn't sleep on the couch." i mumbled.

"You know what I mean can you please just stop being so stubborn and let me sleep in the bed." he stated walking over to his side.

"Whatever." I muttered closing my eyes.

"I love you." he said kissing my forehead as he climbed into bed.

"I know." I breathed turning away from him.

I felt him pull me closer to him like he always did and resting his chin on my head as I turned into his body nuzzling his neck.

"I love you." I spoke softly kissing his neck lightly.

"I know." he answered I could sense his dopey smirk even with my eyes closed.

short update ik & it's only short bc it's coming to an end and idk how to end it ughhhh

anyways love you all and your comments always make my day hugs nd kisses xoxo

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