Chapter 22

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Ellie's POV:

I woke up my body hot and sweaty as I felt something heavy pull me down. I tried to get up but I looked down to see Louis's arms wrapped around me. I slipped away from him and grabbed my underwear and the nearest shirt and threw them on. I stretched a bit feeling my head pound and my legs and arms sore. I walked out of the room and down the hall the tv was on and Harry and Niall were sitting on the couch.

When I walked in I could feel thier eyes on my as I raised my legs and wrapped my arms around my legs. I looked over at Harry and he wiggled his eye brows at me causing me to look away the heat rising in my cheeks.

"So how was your night?" Harry asked trying not to laugh.

"Did you sleep well?" Niall added laughing at his little joke earning a grin from Harry.

I grabbed the nearest pillow and threw it at Niall who almost fell back in the rocking chair. This caused me to laugh and Niall picked up the pillow and tossed it at me I was about to shield my face but someone grabbed the pillow right before it hit me.

I looked up to see Louis. His eyes still sleepy as he wore his boxers and a tank top with his hair sticking up in every direction that I started to laugh. He looked down at me confused and then Harry started laughing at Niall's face which looked like he was scared to death.

"Did you two twats make something to eat? I'm starving." Louis said sitting next to me pulling my legs on his lap and I stretched them out.

He began tracing shapes in my leg and looked over at me and smiled I smiled back. I knew I was blushing because my face felt hot and I looked down at my hands so my hair would hide my face.

"No we were just debating to go out to eat or eat her." Harry said slightly chuckling.

"Let's go out." I said starting to feel hungry.

"Okay yea. Be ready in like an hour or so. I'll call everyone else." Harry said getting up from the couch and Niall limping after him.

I looked back at Louis who was staring back at me. His lips formed a smirk as he grabbed my legs and placed me on his lap and I couldn't help but laugh. I placed my face against his neck laughing. I felt his chest viberate as he laughed as well.

"What's so funny, love?" he asked placing a hand under my chin so I could look up at him.

"I don't know." I smiled.

He smiled back placing his lips on mine which made me smile even more as we kissed. I pulled away and stood up remembering that we should get ready to go get some breakfast.

"I like your shirt." he whispered in my ear as he walked behind me.

I looked down and noticed I was wearing a dark grey shirt that obviously wasn't mine because it fell right at my mid thighs. I suddenly got really hot in my face with embarassment.

"It wouldn't be as obvious if you had yor clothes on." he chuckled as he lightly bit my ear.

I walked into the room and grabbed my jeans and shirt off the ground I placed my shirt in my bag and slipped on my jeans. I decided that I would just wear Louis's shirt and I rolled up the sleeves a bit and tucked the front in a bit then slipped on my converse. I pulled my hair back in a messy ponytail and watched as Louis put I some jeans and a new grey tank too that had a low cut neck showing off his chest tattoo.

He grabbed my hand and we walked out Harry and Niall already dressed and waiting at the door. With a nod we began to walk out of the apartment. We walked down the busy street a little until we reached a small dinner I saw Jade, Zayn, and Liam already at a booth talking. Zayn wore sunglasses and massaging his head while Liam with his arm around the back of Jade was laughing at Zayn and Zayn just flipped him off. Harry lead us to the booth with Niall following and pulled up a chair to sit at the end of the table and Louis who was still holding my hand let me in the booth still.

I looked up to see Jade raise an eyebrow at me and I gave her a look that said I will tell you later. The rest of breakfast contained a slightly grumpy Zayn, Liam and Jade all over eachother and Harry and Niall actually getting along and then not to mention Louis being a cheeky fucker. He would place his hand on my thigh squeezing it lightly causing me to jump a bit and then he would push his hand up further and I would just push his hand away and give him a stern look and he'd just laughed.

"All right me and Ellie are gonna head out. She has a busy day ahead of her." Louis said winking at the table and putting down some money and pulling me out from the table.

"Why did we leave? I have nothing to do today." I said to Louis as soon as we left the dinner.

"I just want to be alone with you." Louis smirked putting his arm around my shoulder pulling me closer to him and I grabbed into his hand that was resting off my right shoulder.

I smiled and I could see the way people were looking at us. They would look at Louis then to me and then back to Louis again shaking thier heads. They were wondering what the hell a good for nothing douche was doing with a girl who has her whole future ahead of her. He is probably only using her for sex and he doesn't really love her. He is going to get her pregnant and then leave he with no money or anything to take care of the child.

And frankly I just wanted to yell and flip them off telling them to mind their own damn business. Because honestly I don't really care what people thought of me and Louis their assumptions mean nothing to me and I really couldn't give a fuck. I looked up at Louis who was looking in te store shops a burning cigarette hanging from his lips. He wasn't perfect but who was. I like him, I mean I like him a lot. I'm feel infatuated with him everything about him makes me want him more and excites me even more.

I can't explain how I feel when I'm with him but I just can't help but smile or laugh. He turned and looked down at me his face confused. "What?" he asked pulling the cigarette from his mouth.

"Nothing." I smiled standing on my toes to kissed him on the lips lightly.

He smirked and placed the cigarette back inbetween his lips. Everything felt at peace right now like nothing could go wrong.

But then of course something always goes wrong with Louis and right when I thought things were going good things changed to bad in milliseconds.

A black escalade pulled up next to me and Louis and opened the car doors and I felt some one grab me and Louis shout but someone covered his mouth and then I felt my scream get muffled by a cloth and my eyes grew heavy and I slumped into this strangers arm.

The last thing I saw was Louis lying lifeless next to me and I reached my hand out for him but fell short as I closed my eyes the darkness devouring me.

Things always went bad with Louis it was inevitable.

Authors Note:


Wowowow I can't fathom wtf just happened

Anywho sorry it's so short I will write another chapter and publish it either today or tomorrow and thanks for all the votes and reads and spread this like you spread an STD

Jk about the STD part always practice safe sex cuz getting pregnant can kill you

Thank you again and sorry for the bad jokes remember to comment :)))))

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