Chapter 16

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Louis's POV:

Ellie was in the kitchen helping my mum clean the dishes while I was sitting at the table with my sisters listening to them talk about school and their friends and telling me jokes and I would every now and then glance at Ellie and my mum. Ellie would be talking to my mom using dramatic hand gestures like she usually does and my mom laughing and Ellie smiling proudly.

I felt someone kick me under the table and I looked across to see Phoebe smirking at me. "Shes not just your friend is she?" she inquired.

"Is that any of your business missy?" I leaned in across the table.

"No but I can tell mum everything." she said challenging me.

I laughed and lightly kicked her back. But if Phoebe could tell then I have to be pretty obvious I didn't tell my mum because she would make a huge deal and bring out baby pictures is me and I really don't want that right now.

I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket and I took it out and glanced at the screen to see Niall's name flash on the screen. I stood up from the table and walked out the door to the front yard.

"What?" I said into the phone.

"Now is that a way to treat your bosses son?" I could hear him smirk through the phone.

"Can I help you?" I replied sacrastically.

"We need to work on your sarcastism, but we need you down here ASAP." he answered and I heard some russeling in the background.

I didn't say anything back I just hung up and went back inside on the way putting my shoes on and grabbing my coat. I kissed my sisters on the head and walke over to my mum and gave her a hug. "Sorry but worked called and I need to leave." I said grabbing Ellie by the wrist.

"Lou..." my mum said curiously. I have her a reassuring smile and walked out of the house I could feel Ellie looking at me her eyes burning a hole in the back of my head.

"What?" I asked irritated.

"Nothing." she said and I knew she wanted to say something but she knew if she did I would have shut her down.

We got into the car and I pulled out of the driveway and sped out on too the street and I looked at the corner of my eye to see Ellie gripping the seat.

"Louis slow down." she breathed.

I ignored her and went faster speeding down the street and weaving and and out of cars. "God damnit Louis slow the car down!" she shouted.

I just laughed and kept going the same speed all the way until I pulled up I front of her house I stopped the car and Ellie took off her seatbelt and unlocked the car and got out of the car. Not even daring to look back at me she walked right into her house.

I looked at her house for a while waiting to see if she would coming running back out of the house but she didn't. I pulled away and turned on the radio to maximum volume. I happen to screw everything up and I just screwed up the only good thing in my life.

They sun was starting to set by the time I made it to downtown London. The stores and clubs with thier neon lights and the girls on the corner. I felt a sort of familiarity to this place and I pulled up to the pub. I parked in the back and got out of te car pulling the hood of my coat over my head and walked in.

I nodded towards the bouncer standing infront of the door I needed to go into. The door opened and the familiar sent of cigars and vodka wafted through my nose. I walked in my eyes adjusting to the dim lighting. I saw Broach with a cigar in his mouth and four other burly guys standing around the pool table.

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