Chapter 28

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I woke up a strange but familiar scent washing over me as I peeled my eyes open and looked up to see louis his hair messily sticking up everywhere as his mouth hung open and stubble grew on his chin. I smiled and kissed his neck softly as he groaned and pulled me closer as if we were one. My mind flashes back to last night when I opened the door and my heart fell into my stomach and I couldn't fathom that he was right in front of me in the pouring rain after disappearing for six months. I can't blame him though because I was also about to leave and run away from my problems but I never expected him to come back. I felt as though they never come back once they leave they are gone but no just like a cat that got out he came back after wandering the world he needed to come back for what he was familiar with and what he needed.
I couldn't help but still feel as though if I made the wrong move he would leave again and I don't think I could mentally handle him leaving. I looked back up at him once more and laughed at how a low snore came from him as he began to drool and I scrunched my nose and tried to pull away from him but he held to me tightly. And I felt as though I could breath as if I was drowning anymore like he pulled me out of the water that kept coming and coming and then he saved me. I slowly peeled his arm off of me and got up and walked to the kitchen to see a note on the counter from my mother that read:
Well I guess he came stumbling back to you like a wet dog. Anyways you leave this afternoon and I hope he knows and your brother came in early this morning and took a picture of you two it was cute but don't bring up his fiancée because that is his ex fiancée anyways have a good day see you later when you come to visit.
- Mom
I sighed and looked at the boxes that was stacked by the garage door. I knew that I had to tell him but I just assumed that he figured it out last time I mean he was gone for a while and a lot of things can change over a time. I slowly walked over to the boxes that held my life and I ran my fingers across the tape that held these boxes together. Strong arms wrapped around my waist pulling me in close and I rested my head on his chest as he rested his chin on my head.
"I love you." he said his voice raspy and husky from the morning.
"Whoa Tommo you've said those three words more than once in a whole span of twelve hours are you sure you are feeling alright?" I joked turning in his arms as placing my palm on his forehead pretending to see if he had a fever.

"Shut up. I can't do and say what I want and I love you." he smirked taking my hand off his forehead and into his hand.

"Three times I think we need to take you to a doctor." I said a smirk playing on my lips.

"Just shut up and kiss me." he said his eyes full of lust.

"No, morning breath." I said pulling away and running towards the bathroom.

I heard him call my name as I grabbed my toothbrush and put on the paste quickly putting it in my mouth and turning to see him shake his head and tried to pay down the hairs that were sticking up everywhere. Finally, we finished brushing our teeth while trying to elbow each other and Louis grabbed my waist pinning me to the sink his lips inches from mine. He pressed his lips to mine, the kiss was full of longing and passion as I ran my fingers through his messed up hair and he clung onto me. Louis pulled away a smile on his lips as I rested my head in his chest listing to his heartbeat.

"Minty." he muttered taking in a sharp breath.

He placed his lips on my head and I clung to him this time as tears began to fall from my eyes and stream down my cheeks. I didn't know why I was crying I just felt a wave of emotions hit me and the thought of losing him again and the feeling of my heart hurting not breaking it was still beating but it heart every time he didn't fall through my window or show up in his bike. I didn't know how to express these feelings so I just cried.

"Shhh. Babe it's okay." Louis hummed as I sobbed in his shirt. "I'm right here I'm not going to leave. I will be right here forever." he said rubbing circles into my back as I cried.

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