Chapter 15

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Ellie's POV

I was lying in bed the lights off and the house silent except for the sounds coming from my tv. After dinner Tatiana went to bed and I grabbed a few movies from our movie shelf and headed back to my room. After the first movie I heard my mom and dad come upstairs talking quietly trying not to wake us and then a few minutes later Scotty and Anna they were quiet as they walked up except for Scotty and his heavy feet and the occasional girlish giggle coming from Anna or Scotty who knows. Within twenty minutes the house was asleep except for me I couldn't find myself feeling sleepy I just flipped through the channels.

There was a knock on my window and it caused me to jump. I grabbed the remote clutching it in my hand as I walked to the window and opened it. I pulled back my arm preparing to hit the person out there. Unlatching the window the wind blowing it open I saw Louis holding a smirk and biting his lip trying not to laugh at the sight of my holding the remote for dear life.

"And what were you suppose to do with that love?" he asked stepping in and closing the window. His skin looking blue from the tv.

"It was the first thing I grabbed." I responded sheepishly.

He laughed deeply and shrugged off his jacket then kicked off his shoes and undid his pants. I looked at him my eyes wide like a deer in headlights.

"Just getting comfortable." He sang. After getting rid of his pants he jumped on my bed taking a look at me and I suddenly felt self conscious about my old shirt and flannel bottoms. "Getting in babe?"

I shook my head carefully walking over and pulling the sheets back. As soon as I laid down I felt Louis's strong legs wrap around mine and pulling me closer to him so my face was in his chest. "I told you I'd be back." he whispered in my hair as he tangled his fingers in my hair wrapping strands around his long fingers.

I nodded my head in agreement against his chest as I fisted the fabric in my hand pulling us closer. I couldn't get over the sense of him being here next to me and having our leg intertwined and our body heat mixing together. I would give everything to just lay here with him forever.

Suddenly I felt my eyelids grow heavy and me struggling to keep them open and turning my head to the tv resting my head on his chest as he laid on his back drawing circles in my back. "You should get some rest." he spoke sweetly.

"You should too." I responded reaching for the remote and turning off the tv causing the room to be pitch black.

"You always put me to sleep." he joked lifting my head up to look up at him.

I yawned I response and closed my eyes nuzzling into his shirt. "Goodnight Lou." I mummbled quietly.

"Goodnight baby." he said kissing the top of my head. Eventually I fell asleep to the beat of his heart an steady breathing. Gradually he stopped tracing circles in my back as he drifted to sleep pulling me closer to him. I would sleep with Louis for a thousand years if I could.

I felt hot and sweaty. Something was pinning me down to the bed and I had to get a glass of water. I opened my eyes and I could see Louis his eyes closed and his mouth slightly open as He slept soundly. I slid out for under his arm and he groaned and grabbed my pillow pulling it close to him his eyes still closed.

I let out a deep sigh and walked out my room careful to close the door behind me. I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen grabbing a glass from the cupboard and filling it with water. I leaned against the counter drinking the water the cool liquid easing my rough throat. Last night just laying there with Louis felt wonderful. But why if my parents found out he was here with me last night. They would surely kill me and then bring me back to life just to kill me again.

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