Chapter 21

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Louis's POV:

I watched as she sat there downing two bottles of beers. She was sitting so close to Harry her side pressed to his side and he had his arm around the back of her shoulders. She set down the second bottle and Harry leaned in to whisper something in her ear. She smiled and nodded and he got up from the booth.

I have a feeling she is doing this on purpose because I have Ally sitting on my lap. I mean we aren't exclusive or anything we aren't an offical couple and I'm pretty sure she won't want to be offical with me. I mean she has Harry he has the charms and he pulled her in and they will be perfect together fucking on cloud nine or some shit.

I'm not even jealous or anything that everytime Harry is around they always laugh and giggle and can't stop being near eachother. I'm perfectly fine with that because I can do the exact same thing but ten times worse.

He came back with two beers one for him and one for Ellie. I watched her as she thanked Harry and he wrapped his arm around her as she scooted closer to him. Her eyes looked up and meet mine she was challenging me I could see it. She knew that one of us would have to get so fed up that we would storm out if this room. But I could honestly care less.

Five beers later and Ellie is hanging all over Harry and Harry is all over Ellie. They are laughing and giggling and having just a swell time. I on the other hand was having just a swell time. Ally was getting a bit antsy and she started to grind into my lap to the beat of the music. At first I just ignored her, not egging her on at all. But when Harry took Ellie to dance I started to kiss Ally's neck as she grinded into me even more.

I glanced over to see Harry and Ellie getting close. She had her arms wrapped around his neck and his hands were getting lower and lower in her backside. I couldn't watch it anymore I placed Ally off my lap and got out of the booth.

"What the hell? She's a prude. What's so special about her?" Ally asked irritated at me.

"Shut the fuck up for once." I snapped back at her.

I walked over to te dance floor where Harry and Ellie were and I pulled her away.

"Oh hey Louis." she said nonchalantly.

That pissed me off even more the fact that she knew what she was doing but acted like she didn't. I held onto her wrist an led her away from Harry and out of the bar. I called us a cab still holding into Ellie she didn't try to leave I just felt her eyes on me.

"Are you mad Lou?" she said almost in a sing song tone.

"What do you fucking think?"

"You shouldn't be mad Lou."

"And why is that?" I scoffed gripping her wrist even more.

"Because we both taunted eachother." she shrugged. "I should be the one that's mad."

That just pissed me off even more. "You should be the one that's mad?! Oh that's fucking priceless. And why is that Ellie? Huh, why is that?" I turned and shouted at her.

She didn't say anything just winced at me gripping her wrist. I loosened my grip of her and the cab came. "Just get in the fucking taxi please." I said gently nudging her towards it.

The car ride back to Harry's place was torture. The tension was everywhere in the air and it was almost suffocating. I knew Ellie wanted to yell at me. I could tell by the way her hads were balled into a fist an that she wouldn't make eye contact with me. But she wouldn't even dare to make a huge scene infront of the taxi driver. We pulled up to Harry's flat and she got out and stormed up the stairs I paid the driver and sent him in his way.

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