Chapter 17

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Ellie's POV:

I woke up the next morning still a little pissed at Louis. One for out of no where pulling me out from a lovely conversation with his mom and then driving like a lunatic to my house. When I repeatedly told him to slow down and of course being stubborn he sped up.

After I got out of the car I felt like I was going to vomit. I didn't even say bye or anything I just ran back into my house up the stairs and to my room.

Tomorrow is the last day of winter break then I have to go back to school. So today Amy and all them decided to have a little study group at the cafe downtown to compare answers and discuss the homework and classes it shouldn't take long.

I went to my closet and pulled out a white and grey stripped sweater some jeans and grey converse and I exchanged that outfit with my pjs. I left my hair alone considering I took a shower last night and my hair looks fine right now I went in the bathroom brushed my teeth and put on some mascara.

As I was walking down the stairs I could hear the conversation between Tatiana and Scotty.

"Yea he has tattoos and everything." Tati whispered but she doesn't know the definition of whisper because I can hear from halfway down the stairs.

"Has anything bad happened to Ellie? Like has she been missing school or anything?" Scotty asked.

"No, I mean she is still the same except she had a huge fight with mom."

"What happened?"

"She came home late and mom got mad and started yelling at her and Ellie just took it and then Ellie wouldn't come out of her room for like two days."

"Well that's nothing. I still don't like him." Scotty said just as I took a small step and the stairs creaked loudly underneath me.

I stood up straight and continued walking down the stairs. I could feel their stares on my back as I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of orange juice and some toast.

"Good morning." Scotty smiled.

"I have to go I won't be back until later so don't bother waiting up for me." I said grabbing my bag and coat.

"Where are you going?" Scotty asked walking quickly behind me.

"Not with him." I sharply stated and walked out the door.

The walk to the cafe seemed longer than it was the first time. But by the time I got there I finished my orange juice and I needed to use the restroom really bad. I walked in the bell jingling as I did and I walked past the tables and booths to the restrooms.

I came out of the stall and saw Amy and Clarissa standing there. "Hey." I said with a weak smile and went around them to wash my hands.

"So now you want to be friends with us again." Amy harshly spat.

"When weren't we friends?" I nervously laughed.

"When you decided to ditch us to sleep around with Louis. While you were off being a fucking whore we had time to think and we thought that you were just using us to get closer to Louis we were never really your friends all you wanted to do was sleep around and party with Louis like the little slut you are." Each word Amy said cut my skin like a knife.

"Sorry." I cried and then walked out of the bathroom while they laughed.

I walked up to the counter with a sigh in relief to see a familiar face. "Harry." I smiled.

"Thank god your here, I saw your friends and I prayed to god you were here too." He said frantically.

"What's wrong?"

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