Chapter 5

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I knew I shouldn't have went over to Louis but the attraction between me and him was so compelling that I couldn't stop myself. I felt like I was being pulled in by him and I didn't have the strength to pull away from him. I knew people were staring but I didn't care I just needed to feel the electricity that shot through me whenever I was around him. I just needed to feel his warmth against me. I just needed him.

I began to quicken my pace as I arrived closer to him his eyes scanning my body not even trying to hide it as he pulled in his lip ring between his teeth. I felt my cheeks flush as his eye met mine as he gave me his usual smirk. I just wanted to kiss him again feel the fire rushing through my body and the way his lip ring sent chills down my spine.

"So are you going to stand there or get on?" he asked making me look up at him.

"She will not be getting one." Tanner's low voice said behind me.

"Tanner." I say through clenched teeth but he ignores me as he steps closer to Louis.

"Stay away from her." Tanner said his face red.

"It's not my fault she wants someone to make her feel good." Louis said stepping closer to Tanner his eyes dark as he challenged Tanner. Tanner was at least two inches taller than Louis, but Louis looked more intimidating. Tanner took a step closer his eyes dark and his anger increased as he unclenched and clenched his fists.

"Tanner stop." I said grabbing his arm and pushing him away from Louis. "Let's go." I said grabbing his wrist and practically dragging him to his car.

I dragged Tanner, I've never been so angry at someone he was acting like an obnoxious jerk and like he owned me. I don't care if he is trying to protect me but I don't need protection I care for myself I didn't need him babying me and trying to keep me away from Louis because that's not going to happen. Something about Louis makes me want him more it may be the bad by image and trying to make my parents mad and the rush I get when I'm near him but it could just be this unsaid attraction that is mutual between us. I know Louis doesn't date its obvious and I know he will not change his way but for some reason I have this idea in my head that me and him can be together. It's this little sliver of light that makes be believe that I and he are nice together and that sliver shows every time we have a real conversation without it ending in screaming and yelling.

After we were halfway to Tanner's car his muscles started soften and I let go of his arm and turned to look at him his eye glassed over as he was thinking. I wanted to say something to him but I was still mad I needed to walk it off. I needed to go home and start my homework so I won't have anything to worry about over the weekend. I turned to leave, I was just going to leave him there to get in his car and drive home.

"Can I give you a ride?" he asked making me turn to look at him.

"No thanks I need to walk." I said giving him a small smile and turning on my heels.

"Please Ellie." He said his voice pleading.

I didn't turn around if he thought pleading with me would make me get in his car I wasn't. He had the audacity to think that I would get in a car with and over protective freak. He needs to be on his own anyways, he needs to cool off. I don't know why he has to think that he needs to protect me we aren't even together we are just friends and it is going to stay that way just friends. I picked up my pace walking home I didn't want to waste anytime I wanted to get home before Tatiana so I could ignore her, she wasn't on my good side right now.

I can't believe what has happened today and it all started with riding to school with Louis. It sounds so dumb once I think about it know it seems so childish. It's just a friend giving another friend a ride to school nothing more. I keep telling myself that I and Louis are just friends but my heart is telling me otherwise. Literally my heart is telling me this, when I saw Louis with the brunette the other day it felt like my heart shattered into a million pieces and then when I saw him after school I felt so happy like he just increased my mood by a billion times, but then Tanner comes around trying to pick another fight with Louis and I my happiness just evaporates into thin air.

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